Saturday, November 1, 2008


Trent had his Halloween Party on Friday. They dressed up and then had a parade for the parents and grandparents. We had a beautiful day for a parade and tricker treating....last year it rained!He wanted to be Ironman at first..then, the football players game to visit his classroom on Homecoming.....after was all football. Which I was totally okay with...we had all the football gear. The Ironman costume was $25+, needless to say I didn't convince him to go back to Ironman! What he really wanted, was the black lines under his eyes...he couldn't wait till I put those on him. I have to admit, coming up with costumes is my least favorite part of the holiday.
I like the fall season, the falling leaves, the Thanksgiving decor, Pumpkins, apple desserts. I just could do with out the 'finding of the costume'. Maybe it's because I have boys??? It seems that girls get more into the whole dress up thing.....brides, princess, barbie, fairies, angels...... Maybe I have some suppressed trauma from my own childhood??? Maybe I never liked to dress up?
I do remember one Halloween, I was going to be a oriental lady. My mom had a dress I was going to wear and she was going to make my eyes look slanty with makeup. I had a meltdown the night before when we were having a trial run. As I remember it, she couldn't make my eyes look slanty enough and I refused to be an oriental lady! I do remember her saying..."you aren't oriental, I CAN'T make you eyes look slanty!!!!!" You do have to remember, this was back in the day when most people did not go out and buy a costume. You put one together with stuff you had at home! Okay, now that I have confessed that, I feel a lot better!
My sisters wil say I should have dressed like a 'Drama Queen' nice sisters! Don't forget I can delete any comment you might leave!
Here is Trent's doesn't look that massive...but it is bigger than it appears! I did tell Steve while we were walking him around...'You know, he's tricker-treating for the whole family'

How about you? What was your favorite costume or least favorite??? Steve, what was yours??

Blog question.....why does it not allow me to put in paragraphs where I want them?? They appear to be there until I publish post? So irritating!


The Hendersons said...

Way to luck out on the costumes! They look great and sounds like they had a great time.

Dawn said...

Hey looks like he made out like a bandit!!! We have a Dentist in our neighborhood....He ONLY HANDS OUT TOOH BRUSHES !!!! LOL

julie said...

Love the football costume. I don't remember your costume blow-up but some how mom always talked me into being a hobo or a baby.This year I just wore cat ears while passing out candy! Never too old to dress up!!

Vicki said...

I agree, the costume decision making is the worst. I hate that the kids change their minds over and over again. I also, don't like how much candy we end up with! It's more than anyone can ever eat and I end up bringing it to work to share but I just end up eating candy all day! The holiday weight is already starting. I think trick or treating should be the other way around. You dress up and go to people's house to give candy. This way we end up with less. Do you think the kids would like this idea?

~joanne said...

I'm thinking the kids would not like this idea to well!