Saturday, February 28, 2009

Problems and Solutions...

The Problem: The dishwasher isn't working!
Which is a big problem for me...these hands have seen dishwater in.....I don't know how long...and they like it that way!

When I first was thinking of getting a dishwasher, about 10 years ago...I wasn't sure I wanted one...what was I thinking about? It seems that the control which tells it when to put water in, is worn out..go figure. Steve tried to 'tweek' it, but it can't be 'tweeked'. He must have taken it apart 12 times today, thinking he was missing something that would make it work...nope! Now, we aren't keeping track but you do remember the post a couple months back..Mr Fix-it! He seems to be on a bad roll....

The Solution:
I know, this isn't for small children to view..please cover their eyes. It's not a sight ever seen before.....

Steve and Tyler bonding over washing eyes can bearly believe it! They discussed our dating days and other subjects while Tyler dried and Steve washed. I couldn't help but capture this moment in time!

Thanks guys for pitching in! Steve, it was truly a blessing to see you lead by example. Your boys bonused-out when they got you for a dad!

Trent wanted me to show what he got a Chuck E Cheese's last night........
Only $20...that's not bad!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is a post for all you that don't have a Facebook account..or that won't let me be your friend!

It's kind of a fun way to learn about others. People post it on their page and you can 'tag' others to post on their account about themselves.

This is what I posted about me....... Maybe for a later time...'50 more things about me!'

25 Random Things About Me.....

1. I put off doing this because I couldn't think of 25 things about myself!

2. I was saved by grace and am SO thankful for that!

3. I don't leave 'junk' in my McD cups there....

4. Someday I want to take my kids on a special vacation.

5. One of my favorite memories of summer was going to camp with my Grandma, cousins and sisters (not so much!)

6. I like to make cards....but I'm not very it's not always so fun!

7. I like to talk...not a lot of it makes any sense!

8. I hate to sweat...we will leave it at that!

9. As a kid, we had a cabin in Croton MI....loved it! Lots of fun memories...

10. I don't like liver...GROSS, who eats some animals filter organ! And thinks it will taste good fried in butter! Nasty!

11. I totally hate mice, rats & bats...they were created on the 8th way God would have created those creatures!

12. When my oldest sister was a senior, we took a 3 week family vacation out west. We pulled a pop-up...and when ever we would park it and leave for the day...when we would come back everyone around us was that ugly!

13. My best friend in grade school was Vicki Yuktonis.

14. We have a hot tub and go in it 3-4 times a week!

15. I worked as a Dental Assistant for11 years at a dentist office in Sparta.....but I have my Cosmetology License.

16. My first real job was working at Meijers in Kalamazoo pushing carts. Go figure..they saw potential and moved me up to cashier...and I was a good one!

17. I graduated from Schoolcraft High School with Honors ( I know, hard to believe!..I think the standards were much much lower!)...not Kent City HS, like everyone thinks.

18. My mom always thought I should have been a Stewardess or a Waitress.

19. I'm afraid of heights..or should I say I don't like them...oh, that's afraid!

20. My husband Steve can fix just about anything...he's amazing...he's working on me right now.... It was brought to my attention that I need to edit this one....'fixing' me into a better person...there is that better!

21. I rolled my car, on my first day of Cosmetology School because I was putting lipstick on while driving! Oops!...well, a girls gotta look good!

22. I got married at 19...not because I had too...I wanted too!

23. I was in 4-H and showed steers at the fair...why?...I ask myself.

24. I drove through our garage door when I was 15 and learning to drive a stick...another Oops! It was all my sisters fault, she didn't tell me not to let off the clutch!

25. I love peach anything...but hate that fuzz.

26. Number 26, because I can.....I have a fetish...I hate it when I put a new trash can liner in and people put trash in it....can't they see I just emptied it!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Boy, am I grateful today to not be a single mom! Troy has a 8th grade Science project due Wednesday...and I wouldn't have had a clue how to make it! Thank you Steve!

The assignment is to keep an ice cube frozen for 6 hours with no help from electricity, dry ice or any bought cooler.

Luckily, Steve has some prior experience in this area....Tyler is in 10th grade and they have apparently not changed the curriculum's since then! We are seriously considering keeping this project for you think the teacher would recognize it in 7 years???

Conducting the first time trial!

I know some of you are wondering why we are so diligently working on it before Tuesday night....which would ordinarily be the protocol. Steve is flying to Vegas on Monday before the the kids get home from school. His assignment for this weekend was to not leave me with a science project looming...wasn't that sooo nice of him!

AND BTW...we are getting blasted with a snow storm again....I'm hoping this is the last time this winter. We have received 4-5 inches just since this morning! Gotta love MI winters....three weeks ago 60° back to 20° us something to complain about...oh I mean discuss!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I had the opportunity to help at Trent's school today. The first graders are selling Friendship Grams to raise money for their year end field trip. It was a lot of fun for them to see their efforts played out.

They had to make signs ahead of time to advertise the event. They had to collect money from other students. They had to fold the "grams" and attach a chocolate kiss to each one after it was sold. We then delivered each gram to the correct class for the teacher to hand out to the lucky student. We had it pretty the kids had yesterday off and most forgot about the sale. The sale continues till Friday...and it should be bopping by then. The kids really get the hang of it by then and want to send them back to their friends!

Of course, the most popular job was collecting the money. It was fun to see the different kids personalities. One girl was sure that she was going to make the color choice for each buyer...she and a boy had a little disagreement when she instructed him that he had to send a pink gram! (we'll just call her a control freak) Another girl was eager to organize all the grams by color around the table. (we'll just check back and see if she becomes a secretary!) One boy was stopping all the teachers as they passed by, asking them to purchase a gram (we are sure he will be selling something in the future!)

Isn't it fun to realize God makes us all unique! We are all different...Amazing! How many different combinations are there?? Some of us carry traits of our dads or moms or even our grandparents...but we are in no way....'just like them!' Even at this young age...they are unique and have very different personalities.

What I'm gleaning from this day is, they are watching you and forming their personalities and characteristics. Don't be fooled to think they aren't hearing you talk about someone unkindly or use harsh language toward your spouse or hear you fib about the truth. Be vigilant about raising your kids...they are watching!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chinese Torture....

I mean this post in the nicest way possible! I think the Chinese are trying to torture us with projects that need to be assembled!
I recently purchase one of those plastic storage shelf units. Tonight was the night!...the night we assemble! I carefully laid out all the pieces. Troy said he could help.."it's just like Lego's!" We were moving right a long in the process, when two pieces decided to kick up a fuss! They wouldn't go together! I attempted it myself at first...then asked my friend PAM to help..she is more familiar in 9x13 pans though!

How hard could this really had no screws...only 'snap' as the directions 5 languages! I called in Tyler, as my first choice was at a meeting! The analytical guy he is, surveyed the situation and started to take things apart. That's when PAM really helped...we were able to persuade the stubborn pieces to 'sssssslide' together.

Now that we had the sides on, the rest should go together like a dream. After about 4 attempts on the doors we finally got it...or should I say Tyler! This is like husband building practice. We now know he will be able to put together a plastic storage unit someday!

Does the door go on this way?.........

Or this way?........

Maybe this way?.......

Doors are on!......

waiting for shelves!.......

In our defense some of the pieces were labeled wrong...we least that's our story! I think it should have taken about ½ hour to put this together.....we only added an hour to that number...but whose counting!

I know, you are all thinking this about my infatuation with Steve.....I do have an infatuation with him.....but that is for another post!
This is about boys and there infatuation with fire....and sharp objects..namely knives! What is it with fire? They love it. Steve let the older boys get Zippo lighters...I'm wondering what he was thinking??? I'm thinking they are going to burn something...they probably are too! They were trying to tell me that they were going to take them to school tomorrow..Not!
Boys what will I do with them...all of them!

Tyler roasting a miniature marshmallow

Troy was so excited that they came today. He's been checking the mail everyday wondering when they would come!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This is what TV13's headlines read:
Tuesday was a record-breaking day across West Michigan with temperatures climbing into the low to mid 50s north and upper 50s to low 60s south. Grand Rapids hit 61F; the previous record was 54F set in 1966.
We are hopeful that spring is on it's way. But only in Michigan can you go from record breaking high days to average temps in 2 days with a swing of 25°!! It was funny today so see all the people out and about..they were in shorts, walking dogs, walking most areas this temp is considered to be cold.

We'll, at least the sun is showing her face...or is the sun a he?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Birthday Boy......

Our precious little Trentster turned 7 yesterday....February 6! We had a party for him at Playworld in Grandville. He was able to invite 4 friends......I picked them up from school and we headed out. Here are some pictures of the fun they had.......

The Birthday Boy

Troy, Abel and Trent

Trent, Troy & Abel

Trent and Jared

Troy, Carson, Jared, Trent. Dolan & Abel

The non-Gluten Free cake and the 2 ice creams that Troy & Trent were able to enjoy!

Trent you are a precious little boy. You add a lot of joy to our life. You are filled with loads of spunk! It is our privilege to be able to watch you grow. We are blessed to have you in our lives! Our prayer is that you grow to be a man of God, that you grow to have a real and meaningful relationship with the one true God! May you flourish in your future and may we be your biggest supporters! We love you little Trentster!

Steve and I have a fun Air-Hockey competition going on! I have to admit, me more than him!! I love the game! If I could get one in the basement..I would! Every year when we go to Grayling we play a game of Air-Hockey before we was a sad year...the machine was out of order! Can you believe it....what a let down! So anyway, we left with out a reigning champion! But guess what Playworld had.....Air-Hockey!! we started....Steve right off had me by 3 but I came back for the win.....and don't you let him tell you that he LET me win! NO WAY! Before we left, I tried to let him redeem himself.....I won again!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Playing Games......

Trent and I had a few free minutes on our hands tonight so we played a game! The game he chose was Lego Creator. It's kind of a fun game. You get a card and then you try to get the pieces to complete your vehicle. Some are race cars, some are helicopters, some are get the idea. Trent of course beat me....I was so close to taking him! I know I could have done it, had I had one more turn! I think he cheated! He built the helicopter..... It's a fun game, if you have a Lego fan in your house!