Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hotel-ing It!...

We again enjoyed our after-Christmas family get-away! We go with all Steve's brother's and families and G&G Buckner. Steve's cousins/aunt & uncle....the Isenhart's and the Kibbe's also join us.

We have a great time together in Grayling MI. This has been a tradition for probably about 10 years now! We just get to kick back, catch up with everyone, play games, swim...... This has become even more special since so many of us have moved from our 'base' in Kent City! Kids are even starting to go off to college...Brandon was able to come home from BBC in Pennsylvania & Danielle attends a local college.

Here the 'Big Boys' are playing football in the pool. Notice everyone left the pool after they got in.

Here we have a little arm wrestling going on...Justin & Reece. Both boys are 6'3"...I know Justin is 270lbs..as he proudly told me earlier...and I'm pretty sure Reece is pretty close. Justin took him down, after Reece put up a good fight!! We weren't sure the garbage can lid would withstand the competition...it did!

The next set of pictures needs a little explaining.....here goes my attempt. In the past, we have had a 'family time', on usually the second night there. Sometimes we have sang Praise and Worship songs, we have had 2 talent shows, we have watched comedians, Craig has made a movie of past years that we have watched, we have shared about our lives and just enjoyed being together.
Our 'family time' took a twist this year...Justin brought his boxing gloves!! You can see where this is going! Our family time consisted of teenage boys boxing each other! Now, not all of us thought it a 'good idea'..but never the less, it happened! We have stooped to a new low! The boys had a great time challenging each other..and no one got really injured....Justin got a war wound...a black eye! We will have to bring back the talent show next year! As a matter of fact, the kids were pretty disappointed that we weren't having 'family time'! It was interesting to watch the teenage boys slugging each other...their love language....when they would pass each other. It's hard to believe these giants were just little ones when we started coming....like 6, 8, 2..... now they are arm wrestling and slugging each other. Reece even got pushed in the pool..... fully clothed!

Trent even got so worried about the boxing, he went to the weight room to 'bulk' up!

They went away friends after the boxing and ended up in the hot tub!

Trent took Jim on one last time before we left on Sunday. Trent gave him the one-two-three punch.

We had a wonderful time together...not all families can get together and have such a good time together....I'm sure glad we can!! This is a Christmas gift from Steve's Dad & Mom to each one of our families. It was a great tradition to start many years ago..Thank you Bonnie! This is such a lasting gift, not of material items, but memories that will never be forgotten!
Until next year......

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some Christmas Fav's.....

Here is just a quick sample of some of my Christmas picks......

The best for last......

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Few Driving Tips....

**Winter highway driving in Michigan has a specific set of rules that you must follow. Here are the ten most important!**

1) When the visibility during the day is 10 feet, DON'T TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHT! This makes you more visible and harder to hit.

2) Ignore black ice. When you suddenly realize you are driving on black ice, accelerate quickly and shimmy the steering wheel wildly back and forth to make sure you don't have adequate traction.

3) Pretend it's a clear sunny day in July and drive 20 MPH or more over the posted speed limit.

4) Follow the vehicle in front of you as closely as possible. If
you are more than one car from the vehicle in front of you, inch forward.

5) Pass anything moving. Use the shoulder or exit ramp lead in lane if necessary.

6) Don't signal when changing lanes. The Anti Turn Signal League is now recognized in most counties West of I-69.

7) When using your cell phone, move into the left lane and drop down to the posted speed limit or slower.

8) When passing a semi, pass at no more than one MPH faster than the semi is traveling.

9) If your windshield is caked with ice and snow, only clear an opening of about 6 inches in diameter to see through when driving. (Steve)

10) Always exit to the right of the highway from the far left lane. Execute this maneuver when you are less than 10 car lengths from the exit ramp.

What's your favorite?.....I think #7 is especially true!

Hunker Down 2...

The last post was not how I intended....I was having issues last night. Now I can't fix spaces...words...pictures.... So sorry for how it looks!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hunker Down

We are getting blasted again.....when will it end! They say it will snow all day tomorrow and will stop on Christmas Day....seriously...we are going to have to start shipping our snow out of state! We have gotten 14" or so of snow and it keeps coming...and coming...and coming......

We made a quick trek up to Neil and Bonnie's before they head to Canada to see Craig and Kristi. It was a really quick trip as we could only carve out about 45 min......but don't feel to bad, as we are planning to spend 2 days with them in a hotel in Grayling.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let the Festivities Begin!.....

We started partying already! John and Janice made the trek up from Indiana for a quick Christmas visit. They arrived on Friday at 10 pm and had to leave by Sunday afternoon. It's a 5+ hour trek up here. Oh, and they brought Arie and Andrew too!!

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by mostly Linda's hands, with some help from Janice and I.

After dinner we opened presents and stockings. We got lots of stuff
and enjoyed the family fun!! We did squeak in a few hands of Euchre...no celebration would be complete with out some game playing!

Trent got a remote control Hummer

Dad got Nutter Butters

Here's the happy couple!
The Griffioens' trip was cut a little short by the snow that came Sunday, early morning. They were intending on leaving after church and some lunch. We got so much snow over night they cancelled church and John and Janice left for home at 9:30am. We called her to see if they made it to Sparta...she said it was a '9' on a scale of 1-10! John thought of it more of a 'challenge course'!! More plowing for Steve!
Friday afternoon we had to dig ourselves out before we could go anywhere. This picture is from our garage....

Saturday morning....when it was 6° out Tyler and Troy took a dip in the hot tub! Burhhh...that run from the tub to the house is cold!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Okay, lets look at the data that we have to work with......Forecast a big snow storm for Friday early morning......It's the Friday before Christmas break....we have had no snow days, as of yet! What do you think....did they call a snow day? Ummm....Yes! I could have called this one!

The first picture is up the road in front of our house...yes there is a road! The second is our backyard. So for all you that are missing snow, here you go! I think we got 6" from 3am-5am...or something like that.

In Michigan, they hold the school parties on the day before they are scheduled to get out for break...for the snow day reason. Trent had his party yesterday, I was in charge of coordinating the food....which all willingly provided. They had a fun time eating, do crafts, playing games and having a book gift exchange.

He got a Bakugan book

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Recipe for December.....and Santa!...

My recipe for December is Poppy Seed Bread........I got this recipe from Steve's mom. She always made it around Christmas time...and it was always a favorite! I make it and give to my neighbors and pastors at church. I've made 4 batches this years so far...and I'm not done yet. One thing I like about it is...it's soooo easy...especially if you have a stand mixer and can let it mix while you do other things.

Poppy Seed Bread
½c. oil
1 c. hot water
4 eggs
1 small box instant vanilla or coconut pudding
1 yellow cake mix
1/8 c. poppy seeds
Mix! Ü....oh and put in 2 well greased loaf pans, 350° for 50-60 min., check for doneness with a toothpick in center. (I think adding almond extract would make it even better!)
BTW...for those of you in the GR area....if you haven't checked out Penzey Spices (on Alpine near Toy's R Us)...you have to!!! They have great stuff...I feel like I should get a cut from their profits! You can get Poppy Seeds their for $4.?? for 4 oz...which is a lot of seeds or you can get smaller quantities. We love their Northwoods Seasoning....we use it when we grill chicken......it's great! The other thing is, most of the spices I have purchased are cheaper than the grocery store....and don't have all those fillers! We also really like their Taco Seasoning. It's a must "check-out!"
Trent could hardly wait till Santa came to town on Saturday by way of train. He is way more excited than the other boys ever were about Santa. It's kinda funny what he said to me on the way there. He said "I know Santa is real...he just doesn't wear those clothes everyday....just sometimes"...I was kinda shocked...I was under the assumption he thought Santa was just a fun thing to believe in! He asked for a BB gun....in camo and with a scope or he said if Santa says no to that, I will ask for a dirt bike??!!...well good luck on that Trent!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dog Torture!....

I think I have lost any 'good sense' I might have had! I just bought a kit to make an ornament out of your dogs paw print! What is wrong with me? Jaxi participated pretty good...well....she didn't bite me!

We have to let it dry for 2 days and then add the words.....Jaxi's First Christmas '08 and tie a ribbon on it.....

What do ya think? You can get one for your dog at Bed Bath and Beyond!

This is just a cute picture of Trent I took the other night! He's all decked out for the holidays!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Friday Night......

We had our Annual Pastors, Deacons and their Wives Christmas Dinner. It was held at Arnie's in Rockford....the same as last year. We love that place! They have an upstairs that we are able to use, so it makes it a great place for a group.

We had 30 in attendance......it was an enjoyable time together!
After dinner we have a White Elephant exchange. We enjoy a lot of laughs and some disappointed looks, after they opened their gift!! There is, as always, a hot couple of gifts...this year it was the dancing snowman and the old church directory!
That's me trying to leave early!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Theyyyyy're Back!!!......

Dad & Linda arrived home last night (Saturday). They got confused on the day they were coming in...but we got them...let's just say.....we were glad we were home to recieve their phone call!

They were some tired travelers...after 17+ hours of travel! I think it was 4am on Portugese time, when we finally got them home!
Trent was a little bummed 'cause Grandma Linda told him she was coming home at Christmas time....so he thougth it was Christams Day..he got over that. They were glad to be home!!