Thursday, November 6, 2008

Operation Christmas Child.....

Our Thursday morning Bible Study Ladies were all about giving yesterday! We participated in Operation Christmas Child, an event run by Samaritan's Purse. The objective is to put together gift boxes for kids to send to other countries. We wrap the boxes in Christmas wrap, fill with goodies for an age appropriate child and send on their way. They receive these as Christmas presents. What a blessings to give these kids, a gift of love, some of these kids have literally nothing. We are so blessed here in the U.S. It's such a good feeling to give these kids some of the basic necessities that we so often take for granted!

This is Jackie and Daughter Lizzy faithfully wrapping boxes. She has faithfully and artfully, I might add, wrapped boxes over the years. She apparently is training Lizzy to help in years to come..... Here is a table full of Beanie Babies/stuffed animals that will be included in the boxes. We also include things like toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, socks, toys and candy. Here are some of the ladies filling boxes. We had 30 ladies come to help.....many hands make light work!
Here is Jacob watching us fill boxes........
More wrappers.....Angela and Karen......

This is the foyer of the church...we needed lots of room!

Drum roll are our completed boxes.....145 of them! WOW! Ready to be taken to a pick-up location!Here is Sherry with her back full! She contributed a whole bed room full of supplies...literally! She saves stuff all year long for this event....Thanx Sherry, we couldn't do it with out you!


Vicki said...

WOW! Very impressive. Doesn't it just make you feel on top of the world when you are a part of this kind of giving? May God bless you all - oh that's right, he already has!

julie said...

You guys did great. What a wonderful way to share the many blessings we have.

Glidewell Family said...

Thanks for the reminder. The girls have to bring stuff to Awana for the same event. I almost forgot. At least I have two more days to help them with that. :-)