Thursday, November 13, 2008

Field Trippin!......

I was privileged enough to go on a field trip with Troy on Tuesday. We attended a Grand Rapids Griffin Hockey game. Maybe I should say 'crazy' enough to I was the only parent. Now I'm knowing why!

It's not like going to the zoo with a group of 1st graders. "where did Justin go?"......"Jenny get your arm out of the monkey cage!"....."Come on, eat your lunch so we can go see the rest of the animals!" and my favorite......"can we go in the gift shop Mrs. Buckner?...pretty please!"

No, it's more like.....a group of 13&14 year old jocking for.....who's most popular....who will sit by whom? What boy can I pester? What friends will follow if I get up to go to the bathroom?......You get the jist!

It's not for the weak to go on a field trip with Jr. Highers! We did have a good time though..I'm glad I went! Troy will hopefully have fond memories of a mom that went with him and spent time with him...(I think, he just wanted me to go so I could get him a $4.25 Mountain Dew!) But we will pretend that we really appreciated me going!

This picture is, Troy and his friend Tyler sitting in the front row! They moved down after the game started and no one had purchased those front seats. They were right on the curve, so they saw lots of action...slamming, bamming, faces pushed into the glass, boy kinda fun.... The usher that was 'guarding' our area was none too excited about seeing them out of there 'assigned' seats. I think she had decided, she wasn't willing to walk all the way down to the front row to kick them out though.

Here we are under the Griffin blow-up....kinda can't me, that is what it was!

Troy was saying "just take the mom has her arm around me in public!"

Does this make me a 'Hockey mom?'....I didn't think so!!


Rhonda said...

You and Sarah moms at heart. If only KC had a hockey team! I think it's great that you went....seems like opportunities aren't as present for jr/sr high parents to be involved.

Dawn said...

Looks like fun !!! Hockey is really the only sport I like to watch..I think because it keeps my a fast moving sport!