Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day.....

We spent the afternoon of Memorial Day at Dad & Linda's. It was a last minute deal but sometimes those are the best!

We grilled hot dogs on the fire. We also had Potato Salad, chips, Watermelon, cantaloupe and the kids favorite....fruity pebble treats! Oh, and root beer floats!

Tyler playing with a sparkler...you can't be too careful when you are holding a lit object...right Tyler!

the fire

the couple

The maiden voyage '09...don't they look overjoyed?

The back passengers seem to be a little happier!!

Monday, May 25, 2009


21 things about our 21st Anniversary get-away!

~The roads are TERRIBLE on the East side of the state.
~It's 1 mile around Great Lakes Crossing Mall.
~Tim Horton doesn't sell bread bowls anymore! I know, I'm just as shocked as you!
~Steve stayed at the mall for 9 straight hours..and then we went to Kohl's, Meijers & Target!
~there are some massive size houses in West Bloomfield!
~We ate a pretzel at Auntie Annie's
~Took a nap on the drive over to Auburn Hills..Yes!
~Went to my first Whole Foods Market!
~Ate at a Longhorn Steak House!

~Went to 3 garage sales in West Bloomfield..nothin! They don't have good sales!
~We went to Cabela's three different times.(in 10 hours)

~Stopped at Tanger Outlet in Howell on our way home.
~Ate at a Cracker Barrell
~Slept in seperate queen beds on our 3rd night..are we old?
~Steve had a shopping 'mission'...hat & coffee mug...check!
~Steve has changed his mind about shopping...finding a real bargain does that to you!
~Steve got approved for a Cabela's credit card for 2,000...Joanne got approved for a CCC for 4,000...go figure, I don't even have a job!
~Tim Horton still sells Fruit Explosion Muffins...I got one to go!
~We changed our reservations on our way over to Auburn Hills....we only made a 2 night reservation...but we were gonna be gone 3 nights...ohhhh...living on the edge of life!
~Slept in one morning till 9:40.
~We have great grandparents that helped us out with the kids so this could even be possible...thanks!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 years and counting....

21 years ago today we said our 'I do's' to each other.

I can proudly say 'we have!' *We have loved in good and bad *We have been rich & poor *We have had sickness (very little) and healthy (a lot)

*We have become best friends *We have put God first *We have been a team raising our 3 boys *We have endured *We have defied the odds *We have not given in *We have said 'I'm sorry!' *We have grown together *WE...have found true LOVE!

May we have many many more WE HAVE'S!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Trent's Play

For those of you that live far away...you can still enjoy Trent's 1st grade play! Hope it's loud enough for you to hear! ENJOY!


I know you have all been on the edge of your seat waiting to see the finished bathroom. Mind you it's not 'finished'....but usable! We still need to do some painting on the ceiling and trim boards. Also, we are getting new flooring...so don't look at that..yuck!!

I can't tell you how nice it is to step into a clean new tub...marvelous!
Steve had to do a lot of modifications to get the walls in..but here it is

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Solace & New Attenders...


It's been a busy week-end for us. Friday night was the S.O.L.A.C.E appreciation Dinner. The dinner was held to honor all the childcare workers at KCBC.

Solace stands for Serving Our Leaders And Child Educators. The team was formed to help show appreciation to those that serve our children. Some have served for many many years, some only a few. Regardless, they are all needed and valued. Without their efforts, many could not attend church.

We have some great workers, that are soooo dedicated to loving the kids that attend. They not only love them, they are committed to teaching them how much God loves them. Often the rewards for working in children ministries are not immediate...they usually come later...much later. Sometimes into adulthood....after someones has had a divorce, loss of loved one, financial problem or sickness. They seem to reflect back on their Sunday school or AWANA days...on the words that were spoken there...the verses that were memorized. Their words do not fall on deaf ears. We are so grateful for those that give of their time and talent to care for these little ones!

New Attenders Dinner
Sunday, after the morning service, we have been hosting a New Attenders Dinner. We invite those that feel they are 'new attenders' to KCBC. This is our third one, we are planning them quarterly.

They have been well received and attended. This time we had 6 new families join us, as well as 3 out of 4 pastors families.

I think it gives people a sense of belonging and they seem to fit in better after connecting with a few people.

Thanks to all those that helped with the meals...especially Sue.

Somethings Up!

You know something is up....when you catch your 16 (almost 17) year old sunning himself! This would not shock me, if I had given birth to a girl...but a boy?

I looked out, to see this view on the back deck! The picture is kinda bad, as I took it through the window and screen.

What's next...the mall?

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Little Bit Like Mom!.....

I realized this week, that I am growing a little bit more like my mom!

In January, I dreamed up and idea to help celebrate Mothers Day at our church. We (I) would sell flowers to adorn the stage area on Mothers Day....sounds simple huh! Well it wasn't too complicated, that is, till I realized I was having a garage sale at my house Thur, Friday & Sat.

I had to place the orders that week, meet the delivery man on Friday, and arrange the flowers in the church Saturday. Oh and I had to get a bulletin announcement to Cathy to put in by Thursday. Oh and did I tell you, I had to make a 'to and from' card for each basket?

If you knew my mom, this was a total 'Sharon' idea! She was always hatching a plan. She loved to come up with ideas and gather a crew to implement her idea. A lot of time it involved my dad coming to her rescue when she couldn't accomplish it by herself. She was a dreamer and thinker...she didn't let time, resources, money stand in her way. She always dreamed big!

Some of her bigger accomplishments were making Faux Stain Glass Windows for our church, the other biggy was a church cookbook...oh this wasn't like an other cookbook! You know the ones..where you gather all the recipes and send them into a publisher and they send back a completed book....yeh..no! She typed in every recipe and then got some place to allow her to help print them and colate them and comb bound them. She worked tirelessly to see that cookbook from start to completion.

So back to Mother's Day flowers. I contacted some flower growers and settled on 10" hanging baskets. I sold them for three weeks in the foyer...I was hoping to sell at least 5 baskets to make it look nice. We sold 66...I say 'we' now because Steve helped me promote it by handing out flyers to all the men. He stashed some in the mens bathroom and tucked them in hands that were carrying diaper bags and colored Sunday School papers.

Along came Thursday morning and I hadn't typed in all 66 names for the bulletin announcement yet...eeeks! I asked Steve to help with the sale...he oped to type in the names for the announcement...that was great with me! Then, I remembered that I needed to make a to & from card for each basket...eeeks again! Steve graciously agreed to type in the cards and printed and cut ALL the cards...WOW...what a guy! I think we knew he could do it on Friday or he would eventually be doing them on Saturday afternoon.

We boxed up all the left over sale stuff, took back the tables, and arranged all the flowers on Saturday afternoon. Thanks Steve for helping me out and doing more than your share. You did way more than you had to...but I do appreciate it...love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day '09...

Aren't boys fun....
This is my Mother's Day gift from my three boys. When you are a mother of boys....expect to get food items! Oops...the card they picked out was actually a birthday card...so they had to do some quick modifications. Tyler took the boys up to the store and they picked it out together!

We went out to eat in Newaygo at our usual hangout....Oakridge. They serve breakfast all day, so it is easy to get a Gluten Free meal.

Is that really my two boys being nice to each other??? be still my heart..I guess it was Mother's Day!!

Dad and Linda

Me and the three boys!

The Mother's...Joanne, Linda and Bonnie. One of the great benefits of living near both our mom's. We get to see them a lot and our kids get lots of Grandma time!

Tyler lovin on his mom! This is a change from 2-3 years ago when he didn't want anyone to touch him...teens...you gotta love them!

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Project Nightmare".....

Here's what I can show you before the project began. You really don't want to see the tub and walls..trust me!

After Steve ripped off the tub enclosure walls

Here he is wondering how he is ever gonna get that out of the 2nd story bathroom! Yes, that would be a jack lifting the tub.

This is a picture of the bottom of the tub, so you can get a view of the thickness we were dealing with! She is about 500-600 lbs...she makes me feel skinny~! Solid Cast Iron Baby! Original tub put in our 1935 house!
This would be after they took down the plaster that was behind the shower walls. Now, I have a perfectly dusted house! There is a fine coat on everything! blinds, curtains, chairs, tables, fans, lamps shades, counters.....

Oops...I'm suppose to be focusing on the end goal...right???
BTW..some of you might be wondering how we have showered since Friday when the project began. Well...Steve has gotten it to various stages that allowed him to hang plastic drop cloths covering the walls, which were draped into the tub. perfect!