Friday, November 14, 2008

November Recipe...late!

I finally posted my November recipe...better late than never!

I received this recipe from a friend of mine, Kelly Wilson. Every fall she makes these and brings them to some event I happen to attend with her. I then ask her for the recipe...she replies "I gave that to you last year!" They are dddddelicious.....I think, anyway! It's a great fall cookie...I can't imagine making them in June...something weird about that!

Pumpkin Cookies

½c. butter--soft
1½c. sugar
1c pumpkin
1 egg
1t. vanilla

preheat oven to 350°. Mix above ingred. in large bowl

Add lower ingred. to wet ingred. Mix well

2½c. flour
1t. baking soda
1t. baking powder
1t. cinnamon
½t. nutmeg
½t. salt

Drop on greased sheet. Bake 8-10 min.

2c. powdered sugar
3T. milk
1T. melted butter
1T. vanilla

Mix & frost cooled cookies

I added raisins to mine..'cause I like raisins...but you don't have to! Note about raisins.....if you put them in water and microwave them before adding to recipe, it will 'plump' them up! Making them 'plumper'.....duh!

These are not a family favorite, rather a joanne favorite! I might have to share with my neighbor man Mr. Brott....he loves it when I bring him homemade baked goods!

Give them a try and see what you think!


Vicki said...

I make a pumpkin cookie and add chocolate chips to it. It's an awesome mix of flavors. Give it a try sometime!

Glidewell Family said...

Do you ever send care packages? They look yummy! :-)