Friday, November 13, 2015

Pere Marquette

It was a frigid day at Pere Marquette Beach...actually I've never been here in the winter.
It was windy & cold!

Thursday, July 23, 2015


this little guy was a challenge from the day we bought him....on the drive home we stopped at McD..while we were in enjoying a burger...he chewed his way out of the box and hid in the dash....Steve & Troy tried, in the parking lot, unsuccessfully to get him out. We drove home and they took on the task in the garage.  After taking 1/2 the dash off and the middle console they were able to grab the little varmint!
He often turned over his food dish ...stood on it and chewed on the bars...he looked pretty cute when he did this :)

R.I.P. Jeffy...Trent saying his good byes..(yes he is dead there..boys are weird)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Quad Squad: Canada #3 7/2015

Gearing up for the T-shirt auction :)

Kelly was the winner!!
She's engraving her name on the trophy

We trailered our quads North to the Batchawana Area
The Beautiful Views...

Trent has his "t-shirt" auction shirt on

Our lunch room.. What a view!!!
Life doesn't get much sweeter than this....

Food, Friends, Family & God's Creation!!

I spy Trent!!
a view from a top that rock....

our quads were parked to the right of the river!


my view....

A Canadian
Sometimes we have to get the chainsaw out to clear the path...

Tyler & Trent

prayers for safe travels
Great Ride & Great Day!