Monday, August 11, 2008


It's been a year since I started the Buckner's Buzz! It's hard to believe I've been at it for a year! Remembering back to it's roots.......Steve would say .....why don't you start a family blog? I would's too hard....I don't have enough to write about....I don't have any deep thoughts......'blog' is a stupid word.......who would read it???......

Back on Aug. 6, I typed my first post! I have 25 daily visitors (some days more some less). My top viewers for a day was 50! I have posted 116 posts...that's 9.6 posts a month....2.4 a week!!!

People have viewed from all over the globe. It's a little freaky to think about someone in the United Kingdom reading about your life here in little Kent City!

But best of all it's been a great way to keep in touch with our families! We can't always call each other and who has 3 hours to talk through each event (I have tried though!). I know they can check in 24-7 and read about what we have been up too! There is a sense of continuity that forms when people know whats going on in your life.

Team Henderson (my sister & family) also has a blog and it has been a real source of joy to read about what they are......doing....accomplishing.....seeing.....loving.......involving themselves in. We just need to get 'Griffioen Gab'.....'IN Enquirer'..... to get on board now!

I can honestly say it's been fun and a wonderful connection. Thank you Steve for encouraging me to start up and keep at it! I would never count the time I spend posting, as a waste of time....never!! Try it out for your might be surprised how much you enjoy it! (and how easy it is!)

......all I can say is.....Thank you Al Gore!


Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your blog too! You do a great and fun way of telling your little life in little ol' Kent City. You make me smile...
Thanks, Lori:)

Vicki said...

Your blog was my inspiration. I didn't even know what a blog was until you shared yours. Thank you. It's great to share in your family life. You were such a huge part of my child hood and the blog helps keep the connection. Sorry - I know you've tried to get rid of me, but to no avail!

Love you Buckner (Rexford) family!

Amanda Gail Miller said...

Is there a way to find out who reads your posts?

steve said...

You can track visitors through Google Analytics.

It is kinda tricky to set up but once you figure it out it works great. You cannot see specifically who reads your blog it only gives you the city where they connect.
If you are going to try it read the directions and cut and paste the code into your blog's code.

Good luck!


Carolyn =^..^= said...

You were my inspiration too!