Saturday, August 23, 2008

Visiting Chuck!.....

That would be Chuck E. Cheese. Trent and I spent Saturday at CEC's house. He welcomed us in with open arms or should I say 'his' people did...'cause we never really saw the main dude!

Skeetball (isn't that what it is called?) always a favorite. I personally love the ones that have all the coins hanging on the edge just waiting for one more coin, to make them all fall. Yeah, you know the one, as well as me.....just one more coin.

Here he is with his final purchase a gumball dispenser. Imagine how many tickets it took to purchase that thing. I probably paid like $25 for a $5 item....don't tell Troy but I think we used some of the tickets he has been saving...shhh! I don't think he reads my blog....he'll never know!

I let Trent decide what he would like to do...go to a parade in Grant or go to CEC. Steve and the older boys were on their way to Cabela's in Dundee for the day! The men from KCBC took our charter bus for a spin around the neighborhood or maybe that was, around the state.

1 comment:

julie said...

You and trent are having way too much fun this summer. Who are you going to hang with when he goes back to school?