Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anyone Know??.....

Does anyone know what these items are used for? give a baby a bath....nope! To make homemade Laundry soap....nope!

Give up? They are used in a recipe to make homemade stamp cleaner...that's what you were gonna guess next...right? When I say 'stamps' I am referring to the craft kind....if you still have no idea what I'm writing about....push the 'X' in the upper right hand corner...good bye!
I found this recipe after I acquired a Stampin' cleaner at a garage sale for $1..don't hate me. (and bought Lori a color spritzer tool..... for $1...She said I was her "favorite friend" you think she just wanted what I had???? please tell me no!) again, if you have no idea what I am writing about....go to the "X'.

I googled 'Stamp Mist' and came up with this on several posts. People claim it works as good as Stampin' Up's, if not better! Here's the recipe........
2 T. Glycerin
8 oz. or 1c. distilled water
1 t. baby wash

Mix together and put in small spray bottle. You can now use your Stamp Mist without fear of running out. I think the glycerin cost me about $4, the water was $1, and baby wash $ for about $6 you will have enough cleaner till your stamps shrivel up!
You can purchase glycerin at most pharmacies. They do recommend distilled water, as it is free of 'stuff'. The glycerin is a emollient to 'condition' your stamps. Some variations use Simple Green cleaner diluted......Google it if you are interested in that recipe.
Sorry if you are a Stampin' Up demonstrator...I just believe in sharing when I stumble upon something good. I do love the products but would rather spend my $$ on something I can't make myself!

BTW...this is NOT the September Recipe of the month! *Ü*

Friday, August 29, 2008

Meet George......

A picture of George and his Morris. George is Steve's boss and a fellow car lover. I think he owns like 9 cars and they are all unique cars.

We met him at a pizza place on Alpine this past Tuesday night, where his Morris was on display. They have a mini car show there every Tuesday George brought his Morris. Last week he brought his Buick Vista Cruiser....I didn't go, Steve and Troy met him there. Who knows what he will bring next week......

That is a mini Cooper behind his car, makes his car look huge. The Morris is very small and has a right side steering wheel. Steve has rode with him and says it is very strange to be sitting on the left with no steering wheel. I think the top speed is like 60....not a racer!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Those Kids.....

The other day Trent and the neighbor kids were trying to get passerby to pay them money for their guitar playing. The night before they had asked if they could go up to Speedway (the gas station) and play for people....the obvious answer was no! I'm kinda glad no one has stopped to give them $$, they would be out there pan handling everyday! Jared Winell tried to stoke the fire last year by giving him a dollar...thanx Jared.

So this day, they took to the streets. One innocent walker stop to talk to Trent and he came running in the house announcing "I have a fan, I have a fan!!"

The neighbor kids are Breadon and Landon Petruska. Trent has had a lot of fun playing with them this summer. They run back and forth between house all day long!

Is wasn't too many years ago that our kids were the only 'kids' around. I remember when the lady across the street use to watch my kids for entertainment. Now there are all kinds of kids, some are still babies but the neighborhood is a changing!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She's Amazing.....

She had another Birthday...she has made it to 97! This is Neil's mother...Wava Buckner, better known as Grandma B! She still lives at home....but Suzy lives with her and takes care of her.
Her mind is great, she can remember past present and everything in between! Her body isn't too bad either...for her age. She has a hard time walking but is not wheelchair bound.

A friend that wanted to join the party

Trent just hanging around.......

Well, we think she is pretty amazing...Go G-ma B!
Just three more years till we see her on the Smuckers Jar with Willard Scott......

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Visiting Chuck!.....

That would be Chuck E. Cheese. Trent and I spent Saturday at CEC's house. He welcomed us in with open arms or should I say 'his' people did...'cause we never really saw the main dude!

Skeetball (isn't that what it is called?) always a favorite. I personally love the ones that have all the coins hanging on the edge just waiting for one more coin, to make them all fall. Yeah, you know the one, as well as me.....just one more coin.

Here he is with his final purchase a gumball dispenser. Imagine how many tickets it took to purchase that thing. I probably paid like $25 for a $5 item....don't tell Troy but I think we used some of the tickets he has been saving...shhh! I don't think he reads my blog....he'll never know!

I let Trent decide what he would like to do...go to a parade in Grant or go to CEC. Steve and the older boys were on their way to Cabela's in Dundee for the day! The men from KCBC took our charter bus for a spin around the neighborhood or maybe that was, around the state.

Ladies Night Out.....

Linda hosted a Ladies Night Out last night at her house, it was a beautiful night out. We enjoyed a potluck dinner, ice breaker games, bocce ball, pontoon boat rides and great conversation.

I think about 30 ladies attended...some of the ladies were relatively new to our church of the ladies had only attended KCBC last Sunday. We had young to old and everything in between. I think all the ladies had a great time and were glad they attended. Thanx Linda for all your hard work...and Dad!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

2 pictures 4U....

Trent has lost 4 teeth's a complete square now!

Back to the soccer field..... Tyler (in black and white) had his second game tonight. They lost, 6-2, which sounds bad BUT that is great considering last year. If you remember, they started the season out with 9 players!! They didn't score at most of the games. So we are considering this a leap forward.

Tyler's coach said he must have been practicing because he is much more aggressive this year! Go Tyler!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Friday the boys and I went to a Putt-Putt course in Newaygo. We had a great time and the weather was 'just perfect!' It's a beautiful course and best part is, it's not busy at all, so you can take your time and enjoy yourself! 2nd best part...we had free passes! Trent & Me
Troy making a tricky shot....
Trent in a water hazard.........
A Beautiful Hibiscus adorning the course!
We had lunch at Wendy's. We made a quick stop a Goodwill......great find.....a Pampered Chef mini loaf stone...$5. (can cook 4 mini loaves at a time!) It is unused and $31 in the catalogue......BONUS for me!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fun!.....I Forgot About......

I took these pictures but forgot to post them! (something about turning 40!)

Grandma Elsie and Trent playing Trouble and 'horsing around'. We are fortunate to have a spry Grandma...she can keep up with Trent. She always reminds me of her trip to Great America in CA. Her fun was on the roller coasters and the Demon Drop!

And that is Dad & Linda's new couch...isn't it beautiful!

Here's Grandma posing by Linda Lane's flowers.(the neighbor of Dad & Linda) She keeps a beautiful flower display!

Stud Muffin Steve.....just relaxing on our pontoon boat ride!

Linda cooked us up a fabulous dinner....Chicken on the grill, tater tots, fresh green beans (from G-ma Bonnie's garden) watermelon & deviled eggs. It was delish!! Dessert was Lemon Meringue Pie and Blue Moon Ice Cream!

Here is the rest of the crew.

Dad & Linda bought a pontoon this spring, so we have enjoyed coming over and taking a ride around the lake!

Falcon Update......

The Falcon has taken up roost at the painters! (funny aren't I?)
Last Saturday Steve & the boys took the body for a ride. Barney is going to paint it soon. I'm not sure what the end color will be? I voted for might remain the original blue?
Steve & the boys have spent MANY hours at Barney's sandblasting the body the last week. The more hours they put in, the less $$ we pay for a paint job!!!
This was suppose to be a car for Tyler to rebuild/drive....I'm think, I'll be riding in some parade in it!
It's a 62 Ford Falcon 2 door. Steve bought it on eBay and has housed it in our garage the last couple of it's good to see that spot open up! I will post pictures after the paint will take a month or more!

Monday, August 11, 2008

USA All The Way!!!....

Can you believe that Swim Team??...Awesome! I was planning to go to bed at 11 on Sunday night....I'm glad I didn't!! You just can't watch those kind of moments of instant replay!

Proof that it's not really over till your race is run! (or swam or swum) I recall the announcer saying I don't think the US can pull this out...they aren't going to be able to catch up....wrong! It was an amazing finish.
I was a little unsure of Michael's swimsuit...I was afraid of a 'wardrobe malfunction"....
Keep it up make us proud!


It's been a year since I started the Buckner's Buzz! It's hard to believe I've been at it for a year! Remembering back to it's roots.......Steve would say .....why don't you start a family blog? I would's too hard....I don't have enough to write about....I don't have any deep thoughts......'blog' is a stupid word.......who would read it???......

Back on Aug. 6, I typed my first post! I have 25 daily visitors (some days more some less). My top viewers for a day was 50! I have posted 116 posts...that's 9.6 posts a month....2.4 a week!!!

People have viewed from all over the globe. It's a little freaky to think about someone in the United Kingdom reading about your life here in little Kent City!

But best of all it's been a great way to keep in touch with our families! We can't always call each other and who has 3 hours to talk through each event (I have tried though!). I know they can check in 24-7 and read about what we have been up too! There is a sense of continuity that forms when people know whats going on in your life.

Team Henderson (my sister & family) also has a blog and it has been a real source of joy to read about what they are......doing....accomplishing.....seeing.....loving.......involving themselves in. We just need to get 'Griffioen Gab'.....'IN Enquirer'..... to get on board now!

I can honestly say it's been fun and a wonderful connection. Thank you Steve for encouraging me to start up and keep at it! I would never count the time I spend posting, as a waste of time....never!! Try it out for your might be surprised how much you enjoy it! (and how easy it is!)

......all I can say is.....Thank you Al Gore!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Here it Is.....

This is what appeared in the Grand Haven Tribune on the Monday after the parade.

We spotted the photographer milling around our area. When the time was right, he snapped this picture of Trent getting a tattoo from a GH police officer.

The lady next to me said...mental note to self "get a flag painted on my face for next years parade!"

The Photographer then came up to me and asked Trent's name & town and told me what paper he was from.....Trent said "my Uncle Tod has a camera like that"

It was a great finishing touch on our already fun time at the '08 Coast Guard Festival. It will be hard to top the fun we had while we were there.....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

For Carolyn..... a close up of my ankle doesn't look that pretty....but here is the design!
It's definitely not as dark as a regular only stains your skin!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August Recipe...

This is the August Recipe of the month.....

Fabulous Fruit Bars.........

2-- pouches of sugar cookie mix (Betty Crocker)1-- cup butter or marg....softened
2-- eggs
1-- tsp. almond extract
1-- can pie filling
1c. Powdered sugar
1 T. milk
¼t. almond extract

Mix base ingredients together. Spread 2/3 rds of base in a sprayed 10x15 pan. Top with pie fillings. Drop rest of base on top of pie filling...bake for 30 min or so at 350°
Drizzle glaze on semi-cool bars
Store at room temp...if any are left! *Ü*

Cooks Helps....Quick and easy!! In this picture I used peach pie filling (used vanilla extract).....but my personal favorite is cherry & almond. Blueberry would be good too!! Can also be put in 9x13 and baked a little longer. (just a thicker bar)
ENJOY......comment back your favorite flavor!

Rookies.......'s where we met up with Grandma Elsie....The Coast Guard Festival in Grand Haven. Dad and Linda attended with Trent and was a beautiful day. It was an absolutely gorgeous day....most of the regulars told me it is usually so hot you can't stand it.

We arrived at 9am and quickly found a parking spot. I had spoke with G-ma's niece that has gone for many years and she gave me some pointers...parking, arrival time......

My thought...that wasn't so bad...until we tried to find a place to put out our chairs....that was a different story. Apparently they let you start 'saving' spots along the parade route at Thur. 12:01....and it's full by 12:03!!! We could hardly find a spot to put them down...but we did manage to secure a nice spot. After that we walked to the craft show and Trent got his face painted and I got a Henna Tattoo. We waited for probably 45 minutes for our turn. But it was worth the wait.....
We had 2nd row seats..... Dad, Trent Linda, G-ma, Janet & Jack
They actually let Trent and I come down and sit on the curb..that was sooo nice of the people that were in the front row! See the man with the camera...check back later so see why that is significant.....
This is a band made up of all plastic barrels and pails, they were very entertaining!
After the parade, we walked down to the waterfront and toured 3 ships that were there. Here's Captain Trent. They were pretty massive.....
Lots of stairs to climb and very steep.....

Dad and Trent ringing the bell on one of the ships......
This is a shot...which doesn't do it justice....of the sea of blankets awaiting the Fireworks show.We didn't stay for the fireworks show but they say it is pretty spectacular....maybe next year. They said 200,000 people attended the show and it is a nightmare getting out of we didn't attempt it.....maybe another time!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beautiful Berries......


My friend, Caryn and I picked blueberries at Aftons Blueberry Farm on Thursday while the kids were at VBS. The bushes were just full and they were sooooo yummy. They were jumbo sized that big one in the middle! Makes you want to reach out and grab it!

We were only there about 45 min. and each picked about 5 pounds.

I'm think about eating them all before Steve and the boys get home Saturday....that might not be such a great idea!!

We couldn't resist stopping at some garage sales before we picked. We didn't get much...just a few things. When we started picking, it was around 11am and I was regretting the black top I had on! It was getting pretty steamy out there....a better time would have been 8am!!

Grow those in CA!