Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kent City Homecoming '09
The festivities started with dress-up days on Monday-Friday. Having boys, they weren't too excited about dressing up but they did participate some of the days. Then of course, they have a fun day on Friday with class competitions.... Here are a few pictures of Tyler competing....a spoon/ball relay, the caterpillar and the hula hoop.

Unfortunately, I didn't take any of I didn't get any pictures of Troy competing =(!!

We attended the Football game after eating at the Alumni Dinner...shocking as it was...they WON! 42-6...must have been since we attended!

Saturday Night Homecoming Dance

Tyler and his date...Emily Obenauf

here he is putting on the corsage.

One last picture before they headed to Applebee's for dinner.

This is a picture Emily had on her FB...I thought it was fitting to post this pictures! Aren't they cute? The girl on the left is Shelbie Williams, Emily is in the middle and Tyler on the right. The picture was taken at Dad & Mom's house.


Vicki said...

So is this a picture of your son and a future daughter in law??? They look cute together.

The Hendersons said...

wow... tyler dating! is this the girl we keep hearing about him hanging with in the hot tub?

congratulations.. on the victory! i know how precious that can be!

Ae (Otherwise Known as Amber) said...

Love the older pic of Tyler and Emily. What a great addition to the post :)