Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Fun Never Stops!!......

These are random pictures of "Birthday week". Sorry, to those of you that read by way of dial-up. We had a fun time at Craig's Cruisers playing Putt-putt golf, Go carts and video games. At one point we lost Steve, Tyler & Troy, we found them zip'n around on the go-cart track. And no gathering would be complete without some card playing. Troy trying out one of his gifts.......
Julie getting ready to lead off.......(notice the fascination with MD)
Troy turning ThirTEEN!! There will be two in the house now.....they're taking over!)
Putt-Putt Golf at Craig's Cruisers (needless to say I didn't get low score..I blamed it on my hair always getting in my face) Shouldn't they let the b-day girl win!?!
Julie and Dad
The Birthday trio (during our first celebration!)
Dad finishing up his Go cart run.....
Steve behind Tyler, trying to pass on the inside......
We had a blast sharing good old-fashion family fun time! We stopped at Wendy's on the way home for dinner and then back to the house for cake and ice cream. Grandma Elsie and Neil & Bonnie met us there for the celebration. Until next year.......

1 comment:

julie said...

You never metioned my hole-in-one!! Thank you for letting me share "birthday week" with you guys.