Monday, August 6, 2007

Starting out

I'm attempting to start a family blog and I hope to keep it updated!!! I'm trying to get Troy to help me along the way...we will see how that goes!!
My hope is to have family and friends drop in to see what's going on in our lives. There probably won't be a lot of deep thought provoking questions and answers discussed here!!! Maybe a pic or two...when I get Steve to help me figure that out!!! I'm hoping... if Bonnie can do it, so can I!!


Anonymous said...

Now, now, now, what's this "If Bonnie can do it so can I"? You know what a technical genius I am! At least you have Steve in the same house to help you--he had to help me over the 'phone!

I think your blog will be very interesting and entertaining to the family. Thanks for taking on the resposibility.

~joanne said...

Oh! you are a technical genius! Well, at least you are making attempts at the information highway...thanx Al Gore!!

julie said...

Troy... way to go helping your technically challenged parents! You da man! It was fun to watch you explain myspace to your dad while I was there.
I miss taking you for ice cream. Can't wait till next Summer.

Uncle Tod.