Monday, August 20, 2007

the King rides again...

Aunt Julie, aren't you glad you got him this cape and crown? We often wonder what Trent will be when he grows up? Wouldn't it be great if we all could go out and ride bikes with a crown and cape on? I mean, to be so okay with yourself, as to not care if people point or laugh. He definitely has that least for now. There is something, shall we say, unique about that 3rd child!

Sometimes parenting is a lot of work and a little least it seems that way some days for me. This is one of those joyful moments when you can thank your Heavenly Father for kids. Our boys make us laugh, cry and crazy (a lot!). But we love having each one of them, with their special (I mean that in the best way possible! :) ) gifts and abilities in our family. God always knows just what we need. He uses our kids to teach us so much about's kinda scary. Moral....if you don't want to know about yourself, don't have kids.

That's as deep as it gets here...


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