Thursday, August 23, 2007

Comment challenged...

This is for some of you newbies to the "blog" world.

I was just going to offer some helps. If you would like to comment on a post you can "click" on the "comments" at the bottom of each post. Sometimes it will say "0" or "2" showing how many have already commented. If you click that, you can read others comments and also comment yourself. You would then type your comment in the box and then click "other" or the "anonymous" box, either one should work. It will ask you to "preview" or "publish" you can push either. If you "preview" you then have to push "publish" after you preview.

I know this all seems a bit much for the comment challenged but it walks you through most of the steps. I have faith you all can figure it out!! Like I have stated before, if certain others can do it, anyone can (don't worry Bonnie I wasn't thinking of you!) Now everyone try it tomorrow and see if you can do it. If you do leave a comment, come back and check it, I often comment back to you.

It is fun to see who is checking in, so don't be shy! I would love to know you are out there.

I hope to add a Feedblitz to my blog soon (when Steve helps me!) Hopefully when he reads this, he will add it for me! For the Feedblitz would add your e-mail to a list that would get notified when I post to my blog. This is a way for you to know when there is a new post with out checking my blog daily. So basically it E-mails you when I post to my blog. So when you see it added...sign-up!

I know, I know, some of you are light years ahead of this post but some are still trying to figure out where the backspace key is! So bear with us slow ones. Especially the "aged-challenged" in our world. Personally, I'm totally impressed with those that feel they fall in to that category....but attempt the computer world anyway. Thanx Al Gore for the Internet.

Have a good night all...

1 comment:

steve said...

Be sure to sign up for Feedblitz. I added it for my lovely wife. ;-)