Monday, February 1, 2010

Epic Success!!....

Another Success Story. I hate to keep bragging like this...but I guess I will =)!!

I wanted to 'practice' making a GF cake for Trent's Birthday. I had a huge success for the Gluten Free Community! Lets' hear it...Hip Hip Hooray!

You would think I climbed Mt. Everest..believe me it feels like it! Like I have said before GF cooking or baking is not that easy!
So, when I was mixing these up, I was commenting to Steve how I hate it when my GF efforts are punished with Epic fails. I was saying to Steve how discouraging it is to work so hard at making something only to see it collapse when you pull it out of the bread maker or it tastes like sawdust!

We even successfully made 1/2 the batch Chocolate! Wow...usually it's hard to mess with a GF recipe! We've already eaten 22 of the 30 cupcakes! They never even got frosted!
Well, today God saw fit to reward my efforts! We had a success story....they turned out! Thank You Lord!
Someday, when you run across a GF friend of find yourself eating GF...remember there ARE successes along the way.
Recipe was from Gluten Free Yellow Cake

1 comment:

Tod Henderson said...

yay!!!! good job joanne! i'll have to pass this along to Emily out here!