Monday, February 15, 2010


A Great Night with our Home Fellowship Group!

For Valentines Day Night we all went out for dinner at Smuggler's Cove. The Wilson's live close so all the kids stayed at their house under Kelsey's watch.

Here is the group! We had a great time visiting...and always so much laughter!!

They are a great group of friends and we have grown very fond of their friendship!

Here is 'smiling' Joe and his lovely wife Kathy!

After we had dinner, we went back to Daren & Kelly's (to rescue Kelsey) to have dessert and participate in a Valentine Activity!

We had to bring our wedding pictures and the 'story of our dating'.
The activity went like this....Daren read each story and we were to guess (as a couple) which couple it belonged too!
They were very funny! A few were written from the husbands perspective, some from the wives and one was a joint effort!

We enjoyed the stories very much!

We then passed around our wedding pictures. It was obvious who they belonged guessing there!

We did notice a few themes from our albums...big hair, big glasses, we were all MUCH skinnier, had more hair and paneling (in the church background)!

A Special thanks to Daren & Kelly for using your time & talent to bring us together! We so appreciate you both!