Monday, September 8, 2008


Your the best-est Dad I could have asked for! It just so happened that Dad's birthday fell on the same day as our Annual Church Family Picnic and Baptismal. We had a beautiful rain....abit of a breeze. The sunshine danced like diamonds on the water! (I got that from my Mom.....she was talking to Tyler when he was around 3 and relayed that to him, as they looked out over the lake!)

From the title, you guessed it, Dad turned 68 this year....when he said those words, it struck me how close he was to 70!!!! He ordinarily doesn't have that many kids gathered around him at his birthday parties! Dad & Linda brought cake to feed 200 and 5 pails of ice cream...I guess that will bring a crowd of kids!

Linda was the cake server........Chocolate or White??? This is a picture of the crowd that sat under the pavilion
After the potluck some of the kids played a little football
Then we gathered at the shores of Crockery Lake to have the Baptismal Service. I'm not quite sure how many were Baptised...around 10? Seven or eight more joined by transfer of membership. It was a great time of hearing the work God has done in their lives.

Olga even made a lot of us cry! She is originally from Russia and through a lot of circumstances ended up in GR. There she met and married a guy, which happen to be the brother of one of our members. Through some very rough times she came to realize she needed a saviour and needed to make some dramatic changes in her life.....which she did.....asking Jesus to come in her life and be Lord. What got most of us choked us, is when she started to cry, when she was telling about the moment she realized how much God really loved her!! What a story she has...she lived in a convent for 9 years too!

There were kids that were also baptized...two other couples....a couple teens.....a wide range of believers. You never get tired of hearing their story of how they came to this point in their life.

Here is a snapshot of the crowd that gathered! Okay, this question requires a little commenting.......Do you enjoy potlucks or do you not care for them? I personally don't mind them but I have come to realize that there are quite a few people that have a phobia about eating other peoples food, in an outdoor setting.....what about you.......let me know what you think....I'm curious?????


The Hendersons said...

Happy Birthday Bill! I love having you as a father in law. I loved talking with you and hearing how great a day it was for you. Congrats.

And Joanne, I LOVE potlucks. Anytime you can 'just show up' and eat like a pig is a good time!

Vicki said...

Happy birthday Mr. Rexford! Linda, I would like a piece of chocolate. That cake looks so good.

I have to admit, I have not been to a lot of potlucks. I know, I like to eat, so I think they'd be okay. Besides it's the company not the food that makes any event great!

Okay, you got me... the food counts too, especially cake!

julie said...

Happy birthday Dad!! You are the best.

I love potlucks but they are not very popular in CA. I have no problem eating anyone's food as long as it doesn't have tomatoes in it!!

~joanne said...

I hear ya loud and clear sister!!

julie said...

or mushrooms, artichokes or cauliflower. Everything else is great!

Sara said...

I am an ardent potluck lover. If there was ONE thing I could have changed about KCBC, it would have been more potlucks!! We had them at church every few months growing up- what can I say, I love casseroles and love talking! :-) I would sometimes go down and eat with the Women's Missionary Union just to get my "fix"!

I will admit, though, that I can't let myself think about germs- you never know how clean people keep their kitchens, how often they wash their hands, etc... but, I haven't gotten sick from a potluck yet!

~joanne said...

Sara....I try not to think to hard on the germ issue also. And like you, I have never gotten sick from any potluck food.

But we Rexfords, do have guts of steel! We always admit we could eat a wooden nickel......

Carolyn =^..^= said...

I was clicking on your photos making them bigger to see people. I think I saw some Newton's, Kristy, Tonette, and your Steve. Potlucks: I've never thought much about how I feel about them. Our church here in NV has one once a month after Sunday service; I like that. I also like when people will put a tent card in front of their dish so you know what it is or to list the ingredients. I hate miracle whip (I feel nauseous just typing it) and you never know if it is lurking in a potato salad!