Saturday, August 27, 2011

He's got it....

Troy has had his Drivers License for awhile now...
but just now got a picture of him with it!
He has picturephobia.
 Troy loves to drive...he wants to drive where ever we go.  
He is a great driver and I feel at easy with him behind the wheel.
He would love to have his own wheels to tool around town at his leisure.
So proud of you Troy!
a funny..
here is MI he has to take a drivers test with an outside agency (not school, anymore) a parent has to be present and can not 'coach' from the back seat.  Steve went with Tyler, so he thought it would only be fair if I went with Troy... because of our schedule, that was how it worked out! We went to the agency in Newaygo.  The man was a very nice older gentleman.  The way life would have it, he had to drive our F-150 not the van....the van had a crack in the window and you can't drive a vehicle with a cracked he already had a strike against him...trying to maneuver a large truck around and parallel park it.....he did great!!!! So we started out for the driving part.  They are VERY strict about that counts against you....and you can only make so many mistakes. He was on the home stretch when he sailed through a yellow/red light....I was screaming "STOP!!!!" on the inside..he didn't hear me!  If you break a violation like that, it's an immediate fail!..Bummer!!!  The next week we headed back to re-test and he passed with flying colors!  The tester even let him skip a huge part of it because he knew how capable he was!  As a matter of fact, he talked with me the whole way..I have his life story....He was a Teacher, Principal, Superintendent....he is married has 2 children....winters in Florida...shard with us some funny drivers ed stories.  Very entertaining!  We thought maybe we should go to dinner with him...his wife was gone visiting one of their kids...ha ha ha!

One of his drivers stories was when a girl lost control going around a corner and hit a telephone pole. The pole broke off and fell and split the car in two.  The dealership that 'loaned' it to them was not too happy.  Less happy, when they came to pick up the car the next day and someone had stole the 4 brand new tires/wheels off on it! They made the front of the local paper!
Great job Troy!


Vicki said...

Oh my goodness. He has grown so much! I'm so glad he's a good driver it will make it nice for you to have another driver around when you need him.

julie said...

Good job Troy. Driving school sounds fun!!