Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doing Great!

I had my Endometrial Ablation done today at 10am. Things went extremely well. My Doctor was pleased with how things went! YEAH! I was 'under' for less time this surgery so I seemed to have woke up sooner. They did test my Hemoglobin before surgery and it was down to 8.2. Best part, I don't have to take Provera anymore...super yeah! Super yeah for my family!

I was tired but did stop at Target on the way home to get a script filled. Still looking to save, even in my post-anesthesia condition. I had a coupon to get a new script filled at Target and they give you a $10 gift card. The script was on the generic list for $4....way to go Target! Ran into Dad there too!

Thanks for all your prayers and support. Hoping I'm done seeing Doctors for awhile...


steve said...

I think you're on the fast track to recovery now. I am also happy you don't have to take proveria anymore!

The Hendersons said...

hey joanne - are your hemo numbers staying strong? did the surgery resolve that issue? just wondering!

~joanne said...

I think my Hemoglobin numbers are recovering my doctor said I didn't need them checked till Jan 12th. I feel like they are good..I think I would feel it, if they were down.
Problem solved. Time will tell how good the results are!

The Hendersons said...

that's awesome news! good for you!