Friday, December 4, 2009

Deer Hunting...I think?...

Steve has been hunting the last month along with Tyler and Troy. Their efforts have gone unrewarded this year! Nuttin Honey!

Sooo.....on Saturday Steve shot this Coyote instead..not such good eating! But a lot of bragging rights!

I didn't realize this, but coyotes are a pretty scarce sight. Steve said he has only seen 2 other ones in all the years he has hunted. If you are lucky enough to see one, they are gone before you can blink!

I think, I can safely say, they don't like humans.

Steve said the teeth on this animal was furious looking....and I'm sure they bite hard!

Neil skinned the coyote and put the coat on a hide stretcher. He thinks it's coming to my house and think it would look lovely on their wall. Steve said it took him 2 hours to skin it!

Steve put the skull in a tree so the birds could peck at it..because Trent has claimed the skull. How do you disinfect something like that? Gross, do I have to have something like that on their dresser?

The life I lead...form a line...don't race to copy me!


julie said...

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I kind of feel sorry for the coyote. Glad it gets to hang on your wall not mine!!

Janice said...

I am not eating "hamburger" at your house any time soon--unless I see the package and receipt:)

Vicki said...


As for having it on your wall - I'm with Julie, glad it's yours and not mine. I think I'm glad my hubby hasn't really gotten into hunting. :)

The Hendersons said...

steve - i can see why you don't see too many of them around. i'd be hiding to if i thought i'd get capped if someone saw me.

you would definitely fit in - in Oakland. think about moving ;)

Glidewell Family said...

We have lots of coyotes around here. We here them every night. It took me awhile to get used to them and sometimes I even hear them in my dreams.