Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sick Ward.....

I know, I I go again writing about personal issues! If you can take on.....

Last Wednesday , as most of you know, I had my Gallbladder removed. I have not been real well since then. Really struggling to recover. I have barely left the house (only yesterday for a Dr appt.) so let me explain why my recovery has been so slow.... If you can take on....

Way back in August I had my period...and it never left! That's right, I have been bleeding for 60+ days! So that had brought my Hemoglobin down to 8.5 (normal being 12-14) 2 weeks before surgery. They really questioned whether they would do surgery or not...but they opted to go forward with here I am. Very Anemic, popping Iron pills...trying to boost my levels.

Basically, I can hardly accomplish any task with out resting/napping. No Laundry has been done since last Wednesday...I hate to even open my laundry shoot! When your levels are that low, you just have a general inability to keep just feel run down all the time. For example, today I took a shower and that was about all I could do..I had to blow dry my hair 3 hours later after I took a nap.

So yesterday, I went to a GYN and she did a biopsy to determine if the cells are normal or pre-cancerous. After she gets the results..we will determine the course of action. The two most likely options are, an ablation or removal of my uterus. I had to muster all the strength I had to get there because I knew this was my only hope of recovery! As it turned out the Dr was out on a delivery of a baby and she couldn't see us till 1:30 (my appt was 11:00) so we hung around the area and returned. It was like torture for have 2 hours to shop at the mall and I didn't have enough strength....torture!!! You know I was sickly!

So in the near future, I am looking at another surgery. I'm assuming around the end of November! WOW..hope I can do it!

Also, one of my incisions, from the GB surgery, broke open, so we are dealing with changing dressings and trying to heal that fun fun!

I do have to say Steve has been a real trooper through this all! He has been juggling work and home! He has been making lunches, taking Trent to school, picking up Trent, kids to church, dinners, lunches..... The kids have been helping out too! Today he had to take Troy and Trent to the eye doctor...I wasn't sure he even knew where the Dr office was!...Apparently, he did and then he called and said he was going to help Troy pick out frames...WHAT?! I wasn't thinking he was going to do that! As it turns out, they are going to wait till I can go with Troy..WHEW!

So, that is what is going on at the Buckner's house....sorry it has to be so gruesome! Please pray for the Doctor to have wisdom as to the best choice of treatment. Strength for me. Strength for Steve and the boys. Thanks......


Unknown said...

I'll be praying for you and your family. Hope you regain some strength soon.

The Hendersons said...

Hey Joanne, thanks for your openness in letting us know what is going on and how best to pray for you. That was great.

I do hope the plumbers are able to successfully fix the faucet and you can get back a giant measure of your energy and strength.

Know with certainty that Steve's shoulders are more than wide enough to help you carry this burden!

I'll pray that Oprah books some awesome guests for November :) Take it easy.

Rhonda said...

Wow, Joanne, that sounds like a rough road. We will keep praying that all issues can be fixed and you can keep your strength up enough to care for your crew.

Leah Brianne said...

I'll keep you and your boys in my prayers.

Glidewell Family said...

Lots of prayers from the Glidewells. We sure know what it is like to not have any energy and feel very tired. Wish I could be there to help with laundry.

Glidewell Family said...

Lots of prayers from the Glidewells. We sure know what it is like to not have any energy and feel very tired. Wish I could be there to help with laundry.

Vicki said...

Joanne, sorry to hear that the road has been rougher than we intitially thought. I know you are in good hands, but I'll keep putting in a good word for you, just in case! I wish I was closer to help you out. Should I send Mark out to do some laundry for you? He's better at it than I am. Please get all the rest you need and stay as healthy as you can. Sending you hugs!