Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Having Trouble...

Every night it's the same story...can't sleep! Grrrrr. I love my sleep! I hate being awake while everyone else is sleeping.

Someone suggested I take Melatonin....which has helped. I think there is an 'optimum' time to fall asleep and if I miss that....it's seems....I'm awake.

My other issue is leg cramps...I'm not sure if I have Restless Leg Syndrome or I'm deficient in some vitamin...or what. But It is all driving me NUTS! I have started taking Calcium...and at first that seem to be working...but know I'm back to leg cramps! Another Grrrr!

Last night I didn't fall asleep till 1:30am...and then I slept in till 11am....talk about screwed up!

Am I getting old or what? I'm so hoping after my surgery I can get everything back to normal..I don't want this to be my new normal!


The Hendersons said...

joanne - i noticed that you posted this entry at 12:15 am! i hope you're not reading this comment before the morning and you are sleeping now. hang in there. our prayers are with you.

julie said...

About this time in my life I had to give up caffeine. Good luck and sweet dreams.

~joanne said...

NOOOOOO..I can't hear you! *fingers in ears*

Glidewell Family said...

Use this time to do lots of praying. I always get restless leg syndrome when I'm pregnant. It is so annoying. Calcium is good but I think Iron also was mentioned I think?

Rhonda said...

I'm sorry - messed up sleep means messed up mind and body - yuck! My dr. suggested that most folks in MI are Vitamin D deficient and encouraged me to take a supplement each day (Vit D 1000 IU). Also, my Dad had leg cramps off and on and his dr told him it could be a potassium deficiency. So, he began eating bananas and whatever else has potassium, and that seemed to help. Amy swears by melatonin...and I think you're right about the 'falling asleep time' - maybe read in bed and as soon as you feel drowsy you'll doze off? I'll pray you get back in sync!

Vicki said...

Hope with the new blood in your veins, you will be able to sleep! Also, I love the look of your fall blog!