Monday, September 28, 2009

Movin On...

Trent had to go get a new cast on today......

They took x-rays, cut off the old cast, put on a new cast & he got a walking boot.

If you zoom in on the can see how much bone has already formed. The x-ray on the left was today...compared to the right one from 2 weeks ago. Amazing

Here's the naked leg.

Here is the new cast and walking boot.
The Dr was very may not run in the boot, or jog, hop, or dance, or ride a bike....Does he know Trent?

Designer wrap. Hot Pink and green stripped! Trent all the way....BOLD!

He will return on Oct.27 to hopefully remove this cast and not get a new one! 4 more weeks, I can do it....I think I can, I think I can!


The Hendersons said...

merry christmas!

Carolyn =^..^= said...

I like it!

julie said...

What Tod really meant was "All these body part pictures are killing me"