Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Day.....

I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse of a day in the life of Tyler.

5am--get up-shower-frozen waffles (sometimes..if he has time) in hand
5:55--catch bus at High School to go to KCTC
10--arrive back at KCHS--finish out school day
3--soccer practice and/or game
5--home after practice and/or game (if away game..more like 7-8ish)
Dinner/relax/IM friends/SH youth group/X-box...
Maybe you are wondering what KCTC is....Kent Career Tech Center.
In short, it is a school in Grand Rapids for the schools in the Kent County Area. They offer more 'trade' type training like....Auto Mechanics, Cosmetology, CAD/Engineering, Food Service, Health Services, Electronics...and on and on.
You can only attend your Junior and Senior years of HS. We encouraged Tyler to attend and he was eager to sign up. He originally enrolled in CAD/Engineering but after attending orientation he stated he wanted to go change to Aviation. After some quick changing and a few phone calls he was able to get in. He has so enjoyed the class. They actually rent a hanger at the Kent County Airport and bus the kids over there each morning. They are learning all about Airplanes...except flying them.
As a matter of fact, today he is staying all day at KCTC to participate in a High Ropes course with the Aviation Team...so he gets to miss school.
I can't wait to go to the open house to see (and take pictures) what they are actually doing. Who knows where this might take him in life. When we discussed switching, we talked about how no training like this, is EVER a waste of time.
We are so proud of Tyler and his accomplishments. He has kept a great attitude and has got up most mornings unassisted! We are so proud of the man you are becoming. We are blessed to see the ways God is changing your heart and directing your path. Keep up the great work Tyler! We love you!


Tod Henderson said...

Wow Joanne! That is such a great program for Tyler.. and it was so great of you to share with us what it's all about. That is what I love about your blog. I genuinely feel like I remain more connected with you and the kids (and steve) through these type of posts. Way to go mom!!

grandpa T

steve said...

I think Tyler is busier than me! Keep up the good work Ty!!!

julie said...

Makes me tired just thinking about it. Sounds like a fun filled day though. Great job Tyler.

julie said...

I think your posts have declined a little since Grandma Elsie left the state. Just not as colorful!