Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doesn't It Just Tick Ya Off!....

I mean really, doesn't it just tick you off when you try to go buy your favorite underwear...and they quit making it. I mean like, no factory shut down! Seriously, doesn't it just make ya mad! When you find some you like, they should have to honor your faithfulness by continuing to sell it. What am I gonna do now???

Now, this is what I call a crisis....who cares if the world is going down, I need new underwear!

On top of all that..I tried on some swimming suits....just to torture come they all make me look fat?..okay, don't answer that!? I immediately ran...I mean the "makes you look 10 pounds slimmer in 2 seconds" rack...btw it's not true!


Janice said...

Try looking at Big Lots next week. I always know I am in trouble when I find my favorite item at Big Lots, because it isn't in any other store anymore!!!

~joanne said...

I'll have to watch for them!

I always wonder about the clearance racks at it so ugly, no one will wear it and that's why they have so many???

Carolyn =^..^= said...

My sisters and I were just discussing this very problem! And it's not just underwear that gets discontinued, I'm sure you know. They (the merchandising Gods) take away our favorite dishes, socks, cosmetics, stamp sets . . . .

Good luck on your underwear search:)

julie said...

Don't get me started!! I have the same problem with jeans. Don't they know some of us will wear the same make and model our whole life!!

Maybe Steve the super shopper can help!

Vicki said...

Oh no!!! Steve may pick out underwear for you? This lovely dovey stuff is really going to far! This is a G blog right? Or at least PG. Please find your own underwear! LOL!!!!

Dawn Draper said...

I feel your pain....I went into Victoria's secret when they were having the January clearance sale...and the lady offered to fit me (measure me) for the correct bra size........She told me I was a 38 DOUBLE D....I knew she was wrong...but there sizes run kind of strange so I tried a few.......the little Chickie Pooh would not listen to me or what I needed that, got me so P@#*TED OFF that I stormed out of the store in a huff.....Mean while Jack keeps teasing me about the whole ordeal...AND I STILL NEED A NEW BRA !!!!

steve said...

OK... OK I am afraid this has gone too far. I never knew there was such a great concern over underwear.

~joanne said...

Let me clear something up. I do go to the store with out Steve sometimes....this was one of those times.

BTW....I don't let (or allow) him go in the 'intimate apparel' area with me. Nothing gets me more than trying to shop around and someones significant other is trailing them (lurking in the corners!) They can do the modeling at home!

Tod Henderson said...

joanne! what the heck is this? shopping in the intimate apparel section is pretty much the only reason i like going shopping with julie ;0 and she doesn't seem to mind ;D

~joanne said...

Yeah right Tod..not buying it!