Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Way toooo Long

Either you all think I feel off the face of the blogging world OR no one realized I was gone..well either way..I'm back!  Does anyone one else ever get so far behind on something that it seems impossible to catch up, so you don't try?? Well me neither!
I think I have mentioned this before...but I think of this blog as an online record of our lives and offer you a chance to look in our life.  I thinking this will be my back up as my mind gets older and feeble-er....and I can't remember when we did things.  So even though some of these are older I'm still going to record them....maybe someday I will get them printed in book form??

Easter at G-pa & G-ma's.  Bonnie was nice enough o let Dad & Linda join us...so we could all be together!  We had all the yummy food..Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, jello & salads & rolls.  Linda made Lemon Meringue Pies and we had strawberry cake.
Drew & Trent
Tyler & Alisha 
Troy was nice enough to hid the eggs for Trent....here he is spinning him around
Trent found all the eggs 

Tigers Game
Dad & Linda took Troy & Trent to Homeplate 2012
They rode over on the churches charter bus.  It was a very very cold day at the ballpark
and the tigers lost....=(  
but a fun memory was made. Thanks G-pa & G-ma! 

Closing Ceremonies!
The T&T kids singing some of the songs they learned over the year 
Trent got his 1st book award 

Trent is playing in the Sparta Soccer league..this is his 5th season.
He's so cute!

Love that guy!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I can not get over how grown Trent is now. It is amazing that he is the age we were when we went to middle school. Time sure fly's. What about Troy and Tyler - how was this past school year for them?