Monday, August 17, 2009

Hibiscus Hiatus....

My Hibiscus has finally bloomed! This is one of those plants that are a lot of work! A lot of times it's....'more work than it's worth!'

I personally think it has must have known! I've been thinking....maybe I should just get rid of it.
I have to bring it in during the cold months, which is anything colder than 50. I can't just store it in the has to be in a draft free place....right in the living room. We have to stumble around it all winter. Then it has the audacity to not bloom all summer. All that work and nothing but a big Japanese Beetle Attractor.
Well, we have a bloom....okay, so maybe one more summer...but if you don't bloom better than this next year....

1 comment:

julie said...

We are from the same family!! I do best with cactus they thrive on neglect.