Monday, July 13, 2009

Gotta Share...

I feel it is our obligation as people to share about items that work...and work well. I mean, what is better than having a friend recommend a product, car, restaurant... When I am shopping for an item I like to read the personal comments....they are more true. When you read the manufacturer's comments...they are always gushing with goodness! They, of course, want you to try their product.

Well, I found a product I'm compelled to share with you.....
I realize some of you won't be impressed in the least. But I know, Bonnie you will be out buying some right away!
This is like super glue for fabric. More works! It comes to me by highest recommendations from Renee! So, now I know how she keeps her family looking so good!
I purchased it at a fabric store but Meijers or Walmart might carry it.
No more dusting off your sewing machines finding a bobbin or needle...just glue it together.
I used it to glue a back pocket of Steve's shorts and it held. I was impressed the next morning when I checked on it and it was stuck together! I have used other types of this stuff in the past with less than impressive results...but this one, Billy Mays would have been proud to pitch!


julie said...

I'm going to give it a try. If I can't find it here you might have to mail me some.

Back from camping and need to know how to get sap out of clothes!

~joanne said...

lighter fluid and a match!

julie said...

seriously? does gun powder help too?

~joanne said...

poof it's gone!

~joanne said...

RE: Removing Tree Sap from Clothing
By Gerrie (1) Contact

I have often used WD-40 to remove sap from clothing and skin. Normal washing will then remove the wd-40.