Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Few Driving Tips....

**Winter highway driving in Michigan has a specific set of rules that you must follow. Here are the ten most important!**

1) When the visibility during the day is 10 feet, DON'T TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHT! This makes you more visible and harder to hit.

2) Ignore black ice. When you suddenly realize you are driving on black ice, accelerate quickly and shimmy the steering wheel wildly back and forth to make sure you don't have adequate traction.

3) Pretend it's a clear sunny day in July and drive 20 MPH or more over the posted speed limit.

4) Follow the vehicle in front of you as closely as possible. If
you are more than one car from the vehicle in front of you, inch forward.

5) Pass anything moving. Use the shoulder or exit ramp lead in lane if necessary.

6) Don't signal when changing lanes. The Anti Turn Signal League is now recognized in most counties West of I-69.

7) When using your cell phone, move into the left lane and drop down to the posted speed limit or slower.

8) When passing a semi, pass at no more than one MPH faster than the semi is traveling.

9) If your windshield is caked with ice and snow, only clear an opening of about 6 inches in diameter to see through when driving. (Steve)

10) Always exit to the right of the highway from the far left lane. Execute this maneuver when you are less than 10 car lengths from the exit ramp.

What's your favorite?.....I think #7 is especially true!


julie said...

You also have to perform #10 without a turning signal.

The Hendersons said...

#10 is known here as "the California Shuffle" and, as Julie points out, is best performed without the aid of signalling.

Anonymous said...

John was practicing #3 and #5 on the way home last weekend. I think he was making sure he still knew the top 10 rules and could follow a few of them. I probably wasn't quite 20 MPH over--but it sure felt like it sometimes. I had a hard time not yelling "Bill", I mean "John"