Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What is going on?....

I'm wondering what is going on with our weather? Is this global warming? Last week we couldn't step outside because it was so cold...now it's all melting? We are suppose to have a winter storm tonight...go figure!!!
I wouldn't care so much but they keep canceling school! Three snow days last week...now today and maybe tomorrow? They have had the last three Tuesday's off! They will be going to school till July at this rate!
If they cancel school tomorrow, I 'm personally going to pick up all the kids and 'van' them in!
I think they are against me getting my kitchen painting job finished! I keep thinking, when they are at school I'll put one more coat on the trim...they don't seem to be going! One of my kids is a paint magnet...if he even comes close, he gets it on him!
I know you, are probably all thinking, what kind of terrible parent would write something like this. It's just that.....I had a 'plan' for today...I wanted to paint...I didn't want to break up fights...I wanted peace...I guess that 'I' is at the beginning of all those thoughts! I guess 'I' should think less of 'my' plan!!

~joanne *Ü*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey..I've got a van too.:)...would be willing to help!!!