Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Guns & Deer

A couple of weeks back we went up to Steve's Dad & Mom's to site in the guns before deer hunting season. Here are the boys practicing up..... Steve shooting his 44 MagnumJoanne shooting Troy's Marlin 270watch out I'm a good shot! Bullseye!And so is Troy! He got this doe on the week-end of youth hunt. This was Troy's first deer he's taken. Great job Troy! I was in Fremont shopping when he shot this deer. We were expecting to eat dinner after they got in about 8pm. As I rounded the corner, about 6:30, to the house I saw the deer hanging in the was fast...I was now the one holding up dinner!Steve & Troy skinning the deer (more Steve than Troy!) Ewwww! Here is a close up of the "wound" ENJOY!
I know you are all jealous of my life!


julie said...

This post might have needed a warning for us animal lovers!!

Vicki said...

Oh my goodness!! Where was the warning for this blog????? I read during lunch!

Why does your husband have a Magnum? Is he planning on being sherriff of your town? It seems strange to be a hunting gun.

~joanne said...

Sorry no warning here!!

Vicki...Steve is exercising his 2nd amendment right! No sheriff here!