Saturday, August 7, 2010

U.P. 3...

More U.P. vacation.... You would think we were gone for a month!

I won't explain each picture as some are self explanatory!!
The kids on Facebook and playing computer games...the campground had wifi...and boy if it went down...we were all up in arms!
Brothers sharing a moment together! A 'Creme Curl' moment that is. Daren's still burned they didn't share one with him!
Campfire moments..... This is Wagner Falls. We ran over there one night at about was pretty dark out but with a night setting on my camera we were able to get a descent picture. It was about 5 minutes from our campground!
This is 'Ranger Daren'....when Steve got stuck out in the woods he quickly moved into action with his cape on. Ranger Daren to the rescue... These are some 'Mud Moments'....
The axle of Steve's quad Kelly stuck in the mud..getting a tow out.
Steve REALLY stuck in the mud...I bailed!! Nic & Troy's shoes.....nice!
Troy getting a tow out by Steve...backwards!A place we couldn't get through the trail. It doesn't look that bad..but we couldn't make it through...we had to forge our trail through the woods
and our new trail looked like this.....
On Friday we went on a mud trail....not to be confused with all the other mud. But this was an 'on purpose' day! So we got stuck many many times. It was a boys dream!
Tyler & Trent....
Ummm....this was not to good on his engine...mud was crusted in his radiator...the whole way home it over heated!
Steve & Joanne....
Kelly & Kelsey...
Troy stuck......
Kelly & Kelsey stuck.....
Needless to say that was a muddy day! The dad's had to load up their quads and take them into Munising to the carwash!


julie said...

Ok that would be way to much mud for me!!

Vicki said...

I agree with Julie - too much Mud!

~joanne said...

I agree to...too much mud!