Thursday, July 8, 2010

Extreme Makeover 2010....

About every 3 years Janice needs a good haircut. I mean not just a light trim....a real bush waking. She has so much hair and thick, like you have never seen!

So here are the before pictures.... front view side view....We cut it on the deck to keep the mess outside..I know it doesn't look like much...but there was...enough to stuff a pilllow...Drum Roll please...the new Janice.....

Ta-Da!! Doesn't it look great!
It took 10 years off her age...don't you agree?
WOW..she looks soooo much like our mom!

Side view....
She is trading her pony tail holders for some mousse!!


Tod Henderson said...

Wow Janice! You look great! Congrats!

Tod Henderson said...

Oh.... Forgot.. Well done Joanne :)

julie said...

WOW! Looks great Janice. Makes my makeover look wimpy.

I think Goodie is going to have to close their business because we don't need ponytails anymore!!

Vicki said...

Amazing difference and perfect for the summer heat. You must feel lighter on your feet too!