Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day.....

We spent the afternoon of Memorial Day at Dad & Linda's. It was a last minute deal but sometimes those are the best!

We grilled hot dogs on the fire. We also had Potato Salad, chips, Watermelon, cantaloupe and the kids favorite....fruity pebble treats! Oh, and root beer floats!

Tyler playing with a sparkler...you can't be too careful when you are holding a lit object...right Tyler!

the fire

the couple

The maiden voyage '09...don't they look overjoyed?

The back passengers seem to be a little happier!!


julie said...

I'm seeing lots of sunglasses. What a great day in Michigan.

Tod Henderson said...

what about pie irons?

oh, and hannah would have requested mac n cheese ;D

Vicki said...

How awesome to be out on the boat already this year. I love boating and can't wait to get out!

~joanne said...

We are saving the pie irons for your visit!