Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Full Of Faith.....

Have you ever prayed for something and were really okay with the way it would turn out? I would hope, if you have been a Christian any length of time, you have prayed for lots of things. But, I usually have a answer in mind. Usually I pray that God would work it out to my liking! I know that's not really what we are 'suppose' to do! Come on be honest we've all been there!

I prayed for many years that God would heal my Mom...he choose to take her. I prayed for my sons not to have Celiac Disease...he choose to allow them to. The list goes on..... He obviously doesn't always answer how we would want Him to but he always, always gives us the strength to make it through!!

So point. Last week we had to get a new front windshield in our van, that would be Friday. Tuesday Steve drove the van to South Haven and on his way home, you guessed it, he noticed a crack in the window. It was coming right down by the rear view mirror. We were bummed, to say the least, to think about paying another deductible!! When he got up there to examine the crack, he determined that there was a stone chip. How could this happen we only had the window 4 days....we hardly got to enjoy it! We also notice that the gasket around the window was coming off. We could hardly blame the window place as we knew it had a was tempting though.

So I went to our insurance agent to ask them if I should claim it again or what? They called the place and sent the same man to put the gasket back in place. I prayed that whatever the result would be, that we would be able to accept it...even if we had to pay the deductible again. I also prayed that we would have integrity in the process and that He would work it all out. Obviously He did...or I wouldn't be writing this!!!

When the man came he worked on the gasket and asked to speak to Steve. Steve went out and talked with him. He told Steve that their business had talked about it and they appreciated our honesty and were going to put an whole new window in for free...WOW! We certainly didn't expect that!!! God is sooooo Good. I fully expected to pay a another deductible!

Wow....when we let go of our will, look what God can and will do!! Best part, we were able to share God's blessings and goodness with our kids. As we were telling the story over dinner, Tyler said "a $100 dollar bill stuck to your window"....Steve said "better yet a $400 dollar bill!!!"

God was so good to us today......


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you guys could get your window replaced for free! If only every business respected honesty!

Sara said...

I just commented on my blog in response to yours, but I wasn't sure you'd check it, so I thought I'd leave it here too!

Layla is 5 months older than Sophie (she's 8m now), and is wearing 12 month clothing- she's big!

But... so is Sophie... she's close to 13lbs now!!!

Glidewell Family said...

Isn't our God so Awsome. Your story brought tears to my eyes because I love our God so much and to see Him work makes my cup over flow. I'm glad you shared with your kids they need to hear too!

The Hendersons said...

jo - that is really an awesome story. i love how God reveals Himself just when we need Him. have a great week!