Sunday, May 25, 2014

She's my friend...

She's like an old friend to me....
 *brought a baby home from the hospital
*seen Sea World, camping sites, Mackinac, Chicago, Detroit
*taken me to Meijer, Kohls and Hobby Lobby
*been in funeral processional
*seen new front windows
*taken husband to the ER
*had new gaskets, filters, pads & shoes
*met police officers 
*been called "Rusty"
*been thru drive-thru's
*played DVD's
*seen snow banks & ditches
*seen soccer games
*been to birthday parties
*seen spilled on by Cokes & Coffee
....let's just say, she's been around the block a few times!
She has a few war wounds...and some parts don't work like they use to...BUT she's still humming right along! Some where along the line we passed the point of no return ....she was more valuable to us, then selling her.  I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed or proud to be seen with her?!?!?
Well yesterday, she passed a huge milestone...
that's right she's in the 200,000 club!!

She's a 2002 Chevy Venture..Warner Brothers Edition, I might add!  We purchased her brand new off the lot in Dec of 2001. She was deluxe back in her day..she had a DVD player...which few vehicles had!  I was expecting our 3rd son at the time..and if we wanted to bring him home and be able to go anywhere as a family, we were going to need a larger vehicle! At that time, I do remember not really wanting to get rid of my Chevy Corsica...which we had bought new off the lot.  Apparently, I have some kind of sentimental attachment disorder?  LOL!  
I'm not sure how much longer she'll be chauffeuring us around and who her replacement will be
...but she might see things like 
*grand babies
*dr's offices
*nursing homes

So, if you see her around easy on her....she's sensitive about her age!

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