Monday, February 24, 2014


We were living on the "edge" going out on frozen Lake Michigan..along with 200 other people!  I've lived in MI all my young life and have never made it over to the frozen lake!  I always want to...just never get there!  This year Kelly called and we committed....
2 mentionables...  Grand Haven does NOT plow their sidewalks!!!!  it was all bumpy, icy and in some areas the snow/icy was as high as the TOP of the hand rail..which made me a little little slip and over the edge and into the channel you go!  &  it was much colder than we (I) had expected it to be....I guess the wind just comes blowing across the knew (duh)!
I wasn't dressed real warm in my fashion boots
(Dad & Linda on the right)
I thought ahead, for once, and grabbed a spray bottle and the dye
Can you say...trend setter!  Next year, you will see it all over,,,lol!
the front of the light house..incredible amount of icy!
the icy all stacked up!

Trent & I

I know there was a lot of talk about being out on the icy and the safety of it.  I'm all about being safe and not taking safety chances....but this icy was ridiculously thick.  The few people that supposedly fell in...were in the channel area ...where there is MOVING NEVER EVER WALK ON A FROZEN RIVER.  I believe these people took significant risk by walking around the lighthouse and too close to the channel area.  I don't even like to walk on frozen small lakes because I have a fear of falling through!

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