Thursday, October 4, 2012


Another Anniversary has come along.... 
It's the 11th Anniversary of losing my mom.
She was a wonderful Mom....the Mom God choose for me...the perfect woman to raise me!  
We all love our Mom's (and Dad's) not because of how perfect they are and not for what they gave us but because "they are our Mom"!  Plain and simple!
Sometimes when we lose someone, near and dear to us, we tend to exalt their being...."they were the best Mother!"....there is a tendency to "remember" that person as a person that was "perfect". You know you have been to those funerals when you look around & think "Am I at the correct funeral??".  I don't think my mom had no faults (and really some of her "quirks" now seem, well, funny and even sweet) she had her share of them.  But she did have a wonderful heart, a heart of helpfulness.  She wanted to help people, which drove her to get involved in peoples lives!  I have heard countless stories of how she helped people in different ways..she met people where they were.  She helped some find a sitter, she helped people financially, she counseled people and prayed with them!  You see, she didn't grow up in a Christian home..about as far from that as you can imagine....she didn't meet Jesus till she was in her late teens.  She knew what she can from and what she was saved from...and she wanted to share that!  Sometimes you wonder why God chooses to call His servants home?

Tho, we didn't always agree and we had our differences ...She is a big part of the reason, I am who I am today!  She molded me into the woman I am (I like to think that I turned out okay....=)).  I am acutely aware that I am NOT perfect and will never be, on this side of heaven!  But because of her, I strive to help people..when I see a need, I try to fill it.  I am also aware my kids would never call me a perfect mom! I do hope they see my heart and the love I have for them!  I hope they can see past this imperfect mom and realize I ask questions, not to drive them crazy but because I care!=)  I don't tell them what to do because I'm a control freak, I do because I want them to succeed...I want them to be great...I don't want to see them hurt!
To me, that kind of sums up my mom ...she certainty didn't mother like Dobson or Dennis Rainey or even Dr Spock!  She was an imperfect mom trying to do the best she knew and hoped God would bless her efforts!  So Mom, on this anniversary date of your death...
May you look down and be proud of the Daughter, Mom & Wife I have become!
Love and Miss YOU!


Vicki said...

Joanne - your mom was a great person. Seeing this picture of her, I can actually hear her laugh. It was so contagious. She did a wonderful job raising you and we were all blessed to know her.

~joanne said...

Awww..Thanks...Sometimes you don't know what you got, till it's gone!