Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's Going On?

A little of everything....
Tyler ordered a desktop computer....in pieces...on purpose!
Tyler and Troy assembling the pieces and parts!
Good News is it works!!!!!

::Getting the tree for 2011::

Here she is.... 
Trent started the cutting 
Troy took over... 
then Tyler cut for awhile 
Steve finished her up! 
Tyler & Alisha 
putting it on the Lincoln.
This was a new challenge for us, as we have always had a truck to throw it in the back of! 
She's up and is nicely decorated in our living room.


Vicki said...

How do your boys know how to put together a computer? That's awesome. How do you buy a computer in parts?

The tree looks nice, but where's the decorated tree picture? I think it's great that you still go out and cut your trees down. What a great tradition.

Are the two love birds planning a wedding yet?

Glidewell Family said...

I still think Blogger needs a like button. :-)

~joanne said...

well troy has always liked Computer stuff....he attends KCTC this year & next in the Information Technology Program. He bought a computer (parts) for himself last year and assembled..he built one for a friend of ours and now this one. You can order parts & pieces of the internet.

Vicki said...

Thanks for answering most of my questions. Still wondering about Tyler and his girl? They make such a cute couple in photos.

~joanne said...

Well Tyler & Alisha are a little rocky right now...not sure what is going on!!!

Vicki said...

Well I hope the young lovebirds work things out. I'm sure as a parent it's hard not to step in on their relationship. So far my kids have both stayed out the relationship deal. Scott says he hasn't met anyone yet worth the effort! I keep trying to explain that he has to make some effort to at least help him figure out the type of person he wants to be with and he says - nope, she will reveal herself to me in due time. I swear this kid is old beyond his years.