Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011....

Celebrating with The Buckners
all the yummy fixings
opening gifts
Trent got a portable DVD player (when we take a car ride...that's a gift for Dad & Mom too) 
Maddie got Camo coveralls
Tyler got a Camo jacket


On Christmas Morning we hosted brunch at our house...

praying before the meal
enjoying the meal

The boys in front of our tree 

The necklace & earrings Steve got me..LOVE!! 
Tyler & Troy  
G-ma, Troy & Tyler 
Tyler's Gift
Marlin 270 rifle
finally got a phone..finally!!
I think he was the only kid at the HS to not have a phone!!!
Steve & Troy comparing toys
The mess

my Earrings & Necklace 

In the afternoon of Christmas Day, we headed over to Dad & Linda's.
We enjoyed a ham dinner
I don't have a picture of us around the you will have to imagine that in your mind!
Tyler & Andrew 
Steve opening a gift 
Dad and his "tote" of Menard's goodies!
Every guy got a number and they took turns picking 'guy stuff' out of the tote till all the stuff was gone!
Looking in their stockings! 
Linda got a necklace from Dad..I think she likes it! 
Trent and his Starbursts 
Steve & I
The Buckners
Tyler, Joanne, Trent, Steve & Troy 
The Griffioens
Janice, John, Andrew & Arie
(and Gracie) 
and the Lovely Dad & Linda!
Don't they look nice?!?!? 
It was a wonderful year!


Vicki said...

What a great post. I need to post about ours. Looks like you all had a wonderful time - How did you get the morning prayer picture - looks like you are in the picture? I love the picture of of all the families. Your boys all look so happy. What's the deal with Arie looking so unhappy? Janice's kids look like her. How wonderful you were able to spend time this Janice and John and their kids. Looks like you guys were super busy over the Christmas holiday.

julie said...

Thank you so much for having your blog. I love seeing the pictures and feeling like in a small way connected.

Looks like the deer in Michigan should be scared this year!!