Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kent City Prom 2010....

Tyler getting ready.
We left to pick-up Alisha at 3 to we could get plenty of pictures.
The first placed we headed was Trestle Park...which is near her house. It's a very small park but very cute and a great setting for pictures.We had a hard time getting Tyler to keep his eyes open..he apparently has G-ma Bonnie's 'close your eyes when someone is taking a picture' syndrome! The other issue...two of us were taking pictures so they didn't know who to look at. But we did get a few keepers...
One of my favorites of Alisha....Tyler had his eyes closed so I cropped him out...but I couldn't delete this magical picture of Alisha! Isn't she a beauty!

These were taken at the Rockford Dam. It was a sunny day to take pictures...they were so willing to let us position them around! Dude, get out of the river!

Just a fun one!!

The last one before they headed out to 'Almost Paradise'

A night they will never forget!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Great pictures. Love her shoes!