Friday, June 5, 2009

And Sunday....

She chewed up Steve's brand new hat from the Eddie Bauer store. She took a chunk right out of bill, while we were at church. She must have known how much he loved that hat.

Buying a hat for Steve is like a women buying a's gotta meet a lot of criteria! As a matter of fact, he bought one at the Nike store but then decided after a day that really didn't like it's feel. Now, I have to admit, Steve is not this picky on most anything..I can buy him a size 10 shoes...and he's good...Target, Meijers, Kohl's..anywhere..but hats, that's a different story!

Then there's me....I'm picky about everything.....I think I was born to be a queen! It has to "feel right" to name it, purses, socks, belts, headbands, cell phones, underwear....everything!

Okay, I was writing about the Jaxi and Sunday and the hat... Lest you all think we are cruel to Jaxi for putting a shock collar on her..we aren't! That dog sleeps with Troy or Tyler, gets groomed 5-6 times a year, went to the vet to get her shots, (unlike when Steve would give them to Sadie at home) eats Iams (instead of Wal-mart) She is treated quite kindly here!

So don't anyone turn me into PETA......


Vicki said...

Nothing wrong with training with the shock collar, as long as it's training and not punishment.

In regards to the hat. Did Steve push the button on the last shock to Jaxi? Maybe it's revenge!

Sounds to me like Jaxi had a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Has Jax's been fixed yet?????