Here's the crew that came. Neil & Bonnie, Troy, Dad & Linda, Hannah, Tod & Julie, Trent and Joanne (Steve taking the picture)
Steve and Trent (he's trying to show off his stitches)
Steve's gift, as at home, on the back patio waiting for a steak.
Dad...opening his present..oh, it's a red shirt and cashews.
Neil opening his present...oh, it's a shirt and a photo book. I made a book of the photo's of our 4-wheeling trip.
It's a great gift idea if you are stumped for a gift. You can make them online or right at Walmart (I'm getting a cut from all their photo book sales)
We are blessed to have great Dad's and Grandpa's. You guys rock....
Here we are eating at Bostons Pizza and Sportsbar. We were overjoyed to find out that Bostons serves Gluten Free Pizza! Troy said "It was great pizza!"
What a fun dinner, when you don't have to worry about what to order! Neil & Bonnie and Dad & Linda were able to join us, so that made it extra special! They forgot a pizza topping so they went ahead and gave the kids this one and then brought out a whole other pizza...I'm thinking...lunch!
I can still vividly remember field day at the Schoolcraft Football field. I certainly was not athletic..but, still competitive...is that possible? We would be out there all day. They served us hot dogs&chips from the concession stand...which I thought was pretty cool as a k-4th grader.