The girls took a road trip!
On Tuesday, we headed for the border....the Indiana border! It's kind of a fun tradition to go to Shipshewana every couple of years.
Janice wasn't able to come to Michigan to see Julie and family but she was able to meet us at Shipsie.
Obviously, we parked at gate 14...and started our shopping! Tote bags & fanny packs in hand.
Hannah, Joanne, Julie, Janice & Linda were all present for the shopping extravaganza.
Here Hannah is trying the XXX hot salsa...don't worry she only lost feeling in her tongue for 20 minutes!
Hannah, Julie & Janice in a booth surveying the goods....
It was a hot and steamy day....90°...but we persevered...we rewarded our efforts with Frozen Lemonade and Drumsticks.
While we were enjoying lunch in the shade along comes Chris & Jerri Coates....I knew they were going to be there...but never thought we would see each other!
While we were enjoying lunch in the shade along comes Chris & Jerri Coates....I knew they were going to be there...but never thought we would see each other!
Posing for a rare sister shot...okay, no one told me we were standing in that direction. This IS in birth order, just in case you were wondering...Julie, Janice and Joanne.
Julie and Janice look like twins (and very much like my mom!)..I don't know where I came from???

Here we are in front of a store in the town of Shipshewana. We recognized the bench and recalled that we had our picture taken about 5-6 years ago on the same bench. Notice how I edited out our thighs...Ü!
This is going down as the most expensive Shipsie trips we've taken!...Hannah purchased a Tea Cup Chihuahua at the flea market.
Ladies and Gentleman, with out further adieu meet...
She weighs in at 1.8 lbs and is almost 3 months old.
it was great that you ladies got to spend a day together enjoying shipsie. it is great to see you all still really enjoying each other. not all families are that close. good for you!
Loved seeing the pictures of you and your sisters! We used to have so much fun when you would come over and babysit for us! Great memories!
Shipsie is so much fun! I haven't been in years. One of these days I'm going back!
You have to love the green sparkle visor. I still can't believe we bought a puppy at a flea market!!
Joanne, you and sisters still look the same as you did when we were kids. You must look more like your Dad. Glad you all had fun. How's Hannah getting the dog home? She's so tiny to fly.
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