Last week Trent's class went to Chuck E Cheeses for their year end party.
***Did you know that you can get 15 tokens for bringing in their report cards?***
Then he played one of my personal favorites..the bulldozer pushing game.(and that's the official name!)
We brought some past token receipts and he was able to spend 409 in tickets..which her got a sucker, Laffy Taffy, wristband and a tiny soccer ball....wow..like what a bargain!
We brought some past token receipts and he was able to spend 409 in tickets..which her got a sucker, Laffy Taffy, wristband and a tiny soccer ball....wow..like what a bargain!
Whitecaps Game
The next day I went with Troy to a Whitecaps Baseball game. It looked like it might rain..but it held off! Whitecaps won..yeah!
Here he is with his friend Trevor, enjoying a big ice cream!
Field Day
Then today we had Field Day..Trent loved it. He loves to compete and win, of course.
Here he is waiting for his turn to show them 'how it's done!'
Look at him go..he's light years ahead of Delany. Look at that form..he's gonna be a hurdler...I can see it in his eyes.......
They are doing the bunny hop, can you believe the air that he has? Notice he is in 3rd place....

On the return, they had to do the bear crawl. Now, who's in first...making up lost time! Come on Trent...bring home the gold!
I can still vividly remember field day at the Schoolcraft Football field. I certainly was not athletic..but, still competitive...is that possible? We would be out there all day. They served us hot dogs&chips from the concession stand...which I thought was pretty cool as a k-4th grader.
I miss seeing Chuck E. Good job Trent. Way to keep up that winning spirit.
Trent must have learned that jumping ability from the Hendersons!
Vicki--I did think that when I saw that picture..too funny!
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