I thought he was being too wild, so she was carrying him up...nope!

He had fallen on an end table in the basement and split his head open! It appeared he was going to need a couple of stitches. Steve and Tod took off for the Med-Center around 9:30....arriving back home around 11:30..not bad.
Trent was a real trooper. It is hard for this area to get numb, so they just put on a topical and start stitch'n. Steve said he never shed a tear..he's one tough cookie!
The crazy thing is, he was signed up for camp starting Monday..how would we get his stitches out in the recommended 5 days??? Lucky for us, one of our friends is the camp nurse so we cornered her on Sunday and she agreed to take them out on Wed. BTW...she called and she was able to take them out tonight.
Never a dull moment.
Father's Day...
With all the busyness, we oped to go out to eat on Father's Day..I know, we should have grilled.

We went up to Cronk's Oakridge, it's a family type restaurant in Newaygo. We frequent it often..maybe too often!
Here's the crew that came. Neil & Bonnie, Troy, Dad & Linda, Hannah, Tod & Julie, Trent and Joanne (Steve taking the picture)
Steve and Trent (he's trying to show off his stitches)
Steve's gift, as at home, on the back patio waiting for a steak.
Dad...opening his present..oh, it's a red shirt and cashews.
Neil opening his present...oh, it's a shirt and a photo book. I made a book of the photo's of our 4-wheeling trip.
It's a great gift idea if you are stumped for a gift. You can make them online or right at Walmart (I'm getting a cut from all their photo book sales)
We are blessed to have great Dad's and Grandpa's. You guys rock....
Great pics. Sorry about the Trent stiches. It's great that Tod and Julie are in town - Did they bring the heat wave with them? Oh, and tell Hannah I see her in the picture (even though she's not mentioned - oversight I'm sure.)and am glad she's better and back to herself. Enjoy your visit with family. Is Janice and John going to come up and visit too?
Hannah's name was originally there,but then there was some font color changes and I couldn't see what I was doing & deleted her name by accident.
We met Janice in Shipsie on Tuesday. They couldn't come up but are coming on Thur-Sun for the 4th.
What a great fathers day! Aside from Trent's stitches it was a great weekend!
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