Friday, December 12, 2014

Thank You!

 Sorry for the huge delay...

            All was GREAT!  God chose to answer our collective prayers with great was nothing!  YEAH!  I guess it was the angle that made the radiologist question what they were seeing compared to previous years.  PTL!
            Thank you for all your prayers on my was an awesome feeling knowing that all of you were lifting me up in prayer.  Again~~Thank you!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Power in Prayer


 Tomorrow I'm heading to Spectrum downtown to have a more in depth Mammogram. I feel like it will turn out to be nothing...BUT there is always that little voice saying ..what if it is something?!?  I feel like with a history (my mom past away from Breast Cancer in 2001) they just want to be sure of what they are seeing....and I too want them to know what they are seeing!!

   I let you know of this so that you can pray for the results to be nothing serious. Also, that I would be calm and not let my mind run wild. I don't feel like I am a worrier by nature..but sometimes it sneaks up on you!  So, if you think of me tomorrow about 11-12 say a prayer for me! There is POWER in prayer!  May God be glorified in whatever the results may be!  Thank you in advance

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Summer 2014

I know what your all thinking.."I thought she gave up on the blogging thing"..Nope, just really behind!  You know how it is..when you get get so overwhelmed with how long it will take to get caught almost give up..which puts you further behind!  So I'm going to catch up in the next few weeks...

Tyler had a birthday on the 26th of June..he's 22 fingers old!

We participated in the Annual 4th of July Boat Parade on the prestige's Crockery Lake...LOL!
We obviously had a Patriotic theme.  The dutch in me only let me decorate the left side of the boat...haha. We got 3rd place and Trent received $75 for our efforts. Before you get too excited their were only 5 entries!  Steve rigged his amp up to play God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood...who doesn't love that song??  Fireworks and bonfire followed our potluck dinner! 

Lake Ann Camp bound...

Trent went to LA again this year..he loves it there! 
Great memories from being a camper their myself!

Trent and his friend Carson out the back window... 

I'm turning into an old lady..I'm taking pictures of the flowers in my!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grand Haven

Oh, Grand are beautiful!
A little slice of Heaven here on Earth!

my GH date
walking the boardwalk 
So our real reason to come to GH
...not to walk the boardwalk...not to get ice cream
...not to see the yachts (and wonder how much they cost)

Matt Maher
...ya, that was our reason for heading over!!!
 He was performing on the waterfront stadium!
FYI...they have a concert every Sunday fun! 
He sang all our (MY) favorite songs..
Joanne's play

...Turn Around
♬ Some turn to a bottle,Some turn to a drug,
Some turn to another's arms,
But it seems like it's never enough,

Well I won't say, that you will ever fail again,
But there is grace,
To wash away your every sin,

If you're scared that you don't matter,
If you're lost and need to be found,
If you're looking for a Savior,
All you gotta do is turn around 

....Hold Us Together
And love will hold us together
Make us a shelter to weather the storm
And I’ll be my brother’s keeper
So the whole world would know that we’re not alone

You are not alone if you are lonely
When you're feeling afraid you're not the only
We are all the same in need of mercy
To be forgiven and be free
It's all you got to lean on
But thank God it's all you need

His songs have amazing meaning and he has an amazing voice!!

Trent enjoying the concert
Matt up close and personal 

We decided to finish out the night by staying for the 
Musical Fountain!
It's not something you would go see every week..but Trent had never seen..and it had been years since I had seen! 
our favorite song was 
Dancing Queen
Fun night!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Crockery Lake

Made an uninvited visit to the Grandparents on Thursday.
Trent REALLY wanted to go REALLY!
so Grandpa gassed up the pontoon and we head out on the lake.
even G-pa threw in a pole 
Troy caught a small mouth 

and the swans had babies
aren't they sooo cute
we feed them about 1/2 a loaf of bread 
Trent caught 3 sunfish off the dock 
Linda graciously provided us with Root Beer floats!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

She's my friend...

She's like an old friend to me....
 *brought a baby home from the hospital
*seen Sea World, camping sites, Mackinac, Chicago, Detroit
*taken me to Meijer, Kohls and Hobby Lobby
*been in funeral processional
*seen new front windows
*taken husband to the ER
*had new gaskets, filters, pads & shoes
*met police officers 
*been called "Rusty"
*been thru drive-thru's
*played DVD's
*seen snow banks & ditches
*seen soccer games
*been to birthday parties
*seen spilled on by Cokes & Coffee
....let's just say, she's been around the block a few times!
She has a few war wounds...and some parts don't work like they use to...BUT she's still humming right along! Some where along the line we passed the point of no return ....she was more valuable to us, then selling her.  I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed or proud to be seen with her?!?!?
Well yesterday, she passed a huge milestone...
that's right she's in the 200,000 club!!

She's a 2002 Chevy Venture..Warner Brothers Edition, I might add!  We purchased her brand new off the lot in Dec of 2001. She was deluxe back in her day..she had a DVD player...which few vehicles had!  I was expecting our 3rd son at the time..and if we wanted to bring him home and be able to go anywhere as a family, we were going to need a larger vehicle! At that time, I do remember not really wanting to get rid of my Chevy Corsica...which we had bought new off the lot.  Apparently, I have some kind of sentimental attachment disorder?  LOL!  
I'm not sure how much longer she'll be chauffeuring us around and who her replacement will be
...but she might see things like 
*grand babies
*dr's offices
*nursing homes

So, if you see her around easy on her....she's sensitive about her age!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lookout Mountain

Last post of vacation!
 Let me clear up the Lookout Mountain mystery's a the mtn is Ruby Falls & Rock City...and a whole town..seriously, it's not just a mtn...they have a school and beautiful homes..and some war was fought up there or near there or something like some Park that is!

So we visited Rock City..which is hard to's sounds like it's a little rock garden...which it kind of is..BUT a rock garden on Steroids! They aren't really rocks...more like huge boulders!

Sorry for this out of focus's really the only one I have of the 3 boys...
taking a break along the path 
The path leads you over a suspended bridge...
which the chicken I am...I did not go on! I call it "smart"
Dad & Linda were not scared! 
Those crazy guys were jumping up and down making that thing swing and jump!
What were they thinking?? ...someone could have easily fallen over the edge of that thin little chain.  It could have come out of the rock and they all could have fallen to their death.  These things are just not safe! 
Lovers Leap 
You can see 7 states from this look out they say..we could not verify that claim! 

Trent with the Easter Bunny 
No explanation needed... 

Trent broke a Geode open 
Steve & Trent down a tight spot in the rocks 
out on a suspended platform...ummm not safe either!!! 

The Incline Railway
this train goes up the side of the Lookout Mountain at a 72.7% grade.....that is why I'm taking the picture and not in the train! 
getting ready to go up 

See that house looking shape at the top ..well that's where they get off and look around...I waved to them from down below!

Trent purchased a purple Geode as a souvenir! 
We had a marvelous time together.  We spent time together as a family and made memories that will never be forgotten!  Thanks for going along Grandpa & Grandma!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ruby Falls...

Sorry for the prayer interruption....back to the vacation...

We left Mammoth Cave area and took a 3 hour drive South to Chattanooga and spent the night...

Having breakfast at the hotel in Chattanooga before heading to Ruby Falls
So Bonnie was a little unsure of entering a cave.  She gets a little caves make her a little uneasy.  But she wanted to *try* Ruby Falls..and she did!  She made it nooo problem!

Waiting in the cave to start our tour

Steve, Bonnie & Neil

Drum Roll...
Ruby Falls..145' waterfall with in a cave.
Mr.Lambert named the falls after his wife Ruby...Gosh, I just get a few presents every now and then!

Dad & Linda...and Steve

up on the you can guess ..I didn't go up!
Having lunch..
Grandparents at table 1.  Steve and the boys at table 2
Photo op....
The Grandma's

The group picture from down under
We had a fun time.... we left no one down there... Bonnie made it through...Dad & Linda can cross that off their "bucket list"....Grandpa Neil looks great sporting the preppy look...the boys can tell their kids, that they remember when they went to Ruby Falls!!