Monday, July 1, 2013

Father's Day 2013!

For Father's Day we had a cook out..shocker....I know!!!
We enjoyed Hamburgers, Potato Salad, Chips and Orange Jello
For dessert we had Honey Bun Cake (more like a coffee cake) and nutty bar thingies!
Neil opening his gift...
Me and My number one Daddy! 
The Buckner Men
Neil, Steve & Mike 
My daddy oh! 
We have some of the best dads in the whole world!  They have loved us with a love only a dad can have!

Steve's Dad raised 3 boys...he did a lot of shaking his head.  They pulled A LOT of "boy stunts".  I'm pretty sure he looks back now and his heart smiles with joy & pride.  They are all men that are followers of Jesus Christ, have never left their wives and have grown to be great dad's themselves.  What joy they see in their boys and their families!  They've totally amounted to something!!!

And my Dad....well, he had the privilege of raising 3 girls!  We were different than boys...way different....we unknowingly made him shake his head!  We drove in ditches, rolled cars, hit things, drove through garage doors and the like.  He was a hard worker...he worked a lot of Saturdays so we could have extras & go on vacations.  He listened to a lot of drama...but in the end, I don't think he would have changed a thing..right Dad??  I think his heart smiles as he sees his daughters as women and knows he's done good!

and then there's the Father to MY boys!  Steve is a great glad he was raised with he knows when to freak out and when it's just boy stuff! So glad I get to partner with him in this parenting gig!  My boys are pretty lucky to have a kind & compassionate Dad.  He has a lot of grace for them..not everyday ...but most of the time!  He's a hardworking unselfish kind of Dad..he would give his son his last $5.  I only hope they realize how much he loves them!  He wants the best for them!  He wants them to amount to something!

Kuddos to the "Dad's" in my life!

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